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79 günde okudu
Kitabın o kadar salakça çevirileri var ki beni benden aldı. Adeta çevrilmemiş, bahsedilmiş. Çevirmen kitabı çevirmemiş, kitabı okumuş ve bize anlatmış resmen… Ki Sabahattin Eyüboğlu (çeviren) çoğunlukla İngilizceden değil Fransızcadan çevirmiş kitabı, çünkü kendileri İngilizce değil Fransızca çevirmeni. Yani kitabı çevirisinden
HamletWilliam Shakespeare · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 202345,6bin okunma
u promised me heaven then put me through hell
“The idealist is incorrigible: if he were to be expelled from his heaven, he would build an ideal from his hell.” - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche “İdealist iflah olmaz: eğer cennetten kovulacaksa, cehenneminden bir ideal inşa eder.” - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
What have those lonely mountains worth revealing? More glory and more grief than I can tell: The earth that wakes one human heart to feeling Can centre both the worlds of Heaven and Hell.
Jesus Christ did not wish to unite but to separate them, as in the parable of sheep and goats; and He says: “I came not to send peace, but a sword.” Messiah, or Satan, or Tempter, was formerly thought to be one of the antediluvians who are our Energies.
Departure. You won't even know, How the sun will rise, How the wind will blow after your departure. Who will shed tears. Who will cheer. Where you will go, To heaven or hell, You won't even know the life is over. Nesrin Aykaç.
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