384 syf.
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5 günde okudu
Daha önceki incelemelerime göre daha ayrıntılı bir inceleme yapacağım, eğer bu incelemeyi okuyorsanız spoiler vereceğim, ancak bu şekilde anlatabilirim bu kitabi nasıl sevdiğimi. Romantik bir kitaba göre bence kesinlikle çok başaralı bir kitap olmuş bir kere. Çok fazla beğendiğim, içimi eriten çok sahne, çok fazla diyalog oldu. Bunlardan
The Long Game
The Long GameElena Armas · Atria Books · 04 okunma
“I want you, Elsie. All the time. I think of you. All. The. Fucking. Time. I’m distracted. I’m shit at work. And my first instinct, the very first time I saw you, was to run away. Because I knew that if we’d start doing this, we would never stop. And that’s exactly how it is. There is no universe in which I’m going to let you go. I want to be with you, on you, every second of every day. I think—I dream of crazy things. I want you to marry me tomorrow so you can go on my health insurance. I want to lock you in my room for a couple of weeks. I want to buy groceries based on what you like. I want to play it cool, like I’m attracted to you and not obsessed out of my mind, but that’s not where I’m at. Not at all. And I need you to keep us in check. I need you to pace us, because wherever it is that we’re going . . . I’m here. I’m already right here.”
Today will be better than yesterday.
It little profits that an idle king, By this still hearth, among these barren crags, Matched with an aged wife, I mete and dole Unequal laws unto a savage race, That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me. I cannot rest from travel; I will drink Life to the lees. All times I have enjoyed Greatly, have suffered greatly, both with those That
“Good thing I never cared much about taking the easy road.” I sat up straight and looked him straight in the eyes. “You are cold and infuriating and, I admit, a little scary. But you are also patient and supportive and brilliant. You inspire me to chase my dreams and drive away my nightmares. You are everything I didn’t know I needed, and you make me feel safer than anyone else on the planet.” I took a deep breath. “What I’m trying to say—again—is, I love you, Alex Volkov. Every part of you, even the parts I want to slap.” A smile ghosted his mouth. “That was quite the speech.” The smile faded as quickly as it had come, and he dropped his forehead to mine, his breath ragged. “You are the light to my dark, Sunshine,” he said in a raw voice. His lips brushed against mine as he spoke. “Without you, I’m lost.”
52 syf.
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we should all be feminists. why?
We should all be feminists. Why? Adichie responds to this question impressively in her book which is a 30-maximum 40 minutes read. I really enjoyed reading this book, it was quite easy to read and the author was straightforward whilst bringing together her thoughts on the argument and stereotypical views on feminism. “[...]his advice to me was
We Should All Be Feminists
We Should All Be FeministsChimamanda Ngozi Adichie · Vintage Books · 2014102 okunma
104 syf.
7/10 puan verdi
9 saatte okudu
Nabokov once described 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde as having an almost winey quality to it and I think that sums up the unique atmosphere Stevenson is able to conjure up really well; the book transcends the conventionalities of the Gothic genre which inspired it to become something far greater and grander, as it becomes a kind of treatise on the duality of good and evil in people. Dr. Jekyll's experiments lead to him concocting a drug that creates an inverse of his supposedly benign essence. In contrast, Hyde is outwardly kind and gregarious, the dwarfish Hyde causes an instant sense of disgust in those who meet and is cruel and capricious. Yet, as Nabokov states, the characters aren't as binary as you would think, neither character is wholly good or evil, instead, they are entwined with one another, Jekyll being able to let go of the sense of unfettered freedom which Hyde is able to realize and Hyde is unable to let off the sense of responsibility and respectability which keep his vices in check. The London in which the book is set comes alive during the night; macabre and ghost-like, its empty streets, shimmering under the pale glow of a diaphanous moonlight act as the center stage for Hyde's monstrosities. That the novel is told mainly from the perspective of the conventional Utterson only adds to the strange beauty which Stevenson is able to interweave in the novel, it is as if the creation of Hyde creates a sense of poetry in Utterson's prosaic life, the ripples of Dr. Jekyll's experiments impacting on the wider world around him. 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is one of the greatest Victorian novels, a novel which transcends the conventions of the area and creates something ineffably majestic.
Dr. Jekyll ile Bay Hyde
Dr. Jekyll ile Bay HydeRobert Louis Stevenson · İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 201520,5bin okunma
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