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Batman: One-Shots

Batman: The Killing Joke

Alan Moore

Batman: The Killing Joke Gönderileri

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"How can two people hate so much without knowing each other? "
Sayfa 17 - BatmanKitabı okudu
Anılar sağduyumuzun temelini oluşturur. Onlarla yüzleşmezsek sağduyunun kendisini inkâr etmiş oluruz! Ama neden inkâr etmeyelim ki? Akılcılıkla sözleşme falan imzalamadık!
Yaşayan en aklı başında adamı bile deliliğe sevk etmek için gereken tek şey, kötü bir gündür.
eğer kendini bir düşünce trenine bağlanmış, geçmişinden gelen ve çığlık atmanın kaçınılmaz bir hal aldığı yerlere doğru yol alırken bulursan, deliliğin her zaman var olduğunu unutma. Delilik Acil Çıkış kapısıdır.
It's all a joke! Everything anybody ever valued or struggled for... it's all a monstrous, demented gag! So why can't you see the funny side? Why aren't you laughing?
So when you find yourself locked onto an unpleasant train of thought, heading for the places in your past where the screaming is unbearable, remember there's always madness. Madness is the emergency exit.
We can choose to do this or that. We can choose to be good or bad. But sometimes I think most people are good and not bad only because they're scared they might go to jail or hell or someplace. Some guy once said: "Anything done out of fear has no moral value" Well, I think that's right. I figure the only way you can be truly good is if you've tried been good, and you've tried being bad, and being good feels better.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
How can two people hate so much without knowing each other?
Some guy once said: “Anything done out of fear has no moral value.”
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy.
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