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In 1955 Ace Books published Philip K. Dick’s novel Solar Lottery; which was his first published novel and the beginning of a career that changed his life and thousands more - decades and decades later... a brilliant novel that gives one a glimpse through an imaginative eyes; before the pupils dilated to become psychedelically wild to become the master of speculative-reality bent literature. Solar Lottery is clever and exciting with a lot of action. It’s a novel that shows that government can get too big too quick, with your only role being the pawn. You are a tool and will be used in anyway for a leader to come out on top. People sacrifice their freedoms because that is what everyone else does. Everyone has a sheepish role, except one in particular. He disobeys his oath because it is wrong and he was tricked. How do you know what is wrong though, especially when the six billion other people are obeying the laws and being good little serfs? Could a law possibly be wrong when more than 99% or the people are following it? How does one tell when it is time to disobey a bad law? Would you break your oath if you find out later that your oath against all your morals? All of these questions and more are brought up in this amazing piece of literature. It brings up several thought provoking questions about are own government and our own laws… and who I am as a person or who we are as people (collectively) and what would we do when our own moral compass was tested.
SuikastçıPhilip K. Dick · Sarmal Yayınları · 199913 okunma
456 syf.
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Sagan was a visionary beyond time. He understood the beauty of the universe by the laws of physics and how everything converged for them. And how are human beings part of this vast scenario, perhaps the only ones for whom the cosmos exist? He continues with this idea in Contact, although this is a work of fiction, specifically science fiction. This work is science fiction of a different genre without laser beams, flying saucers, or little green men. Eleanor (Ellie) Arroway is a unique child who understood when she was three. Her mother is sympathetic to her, but her father, Ted, is the one who structures her personality. When he dies, a piece of Ellie seems to die with him. She focuses all her efforts on being a brilliant student to become a renowned physicist. So it is surprising to have started a relationship with Palmer Joss, a preacher of Christian renewal whose religious views are entirely different from Ellie's coherent world vision. That's when she discovers something that can shake the world. She had established contacts with aliens, and now the world needs to prepare for something unexpected. Ellie's journey out there, as well as her inner journey, begins here. She will travel through the stars and to the deepest recesses of her heart, memory, and existence. She must also understand God's hidden message in the universe's order. And the only thing that makes sense in the vast cosmos and its millions of stars is the message: for creatures so tiny that we are, is immensity endurable only through love?
MesajCarl Sagan · Say Yayınları · 2015584 okunma
304 syf.
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Why the book is best-seller? Let me check :)
Yorumlara bakmamistim, yazara bir sans vermek istedim ve kitap hep internet sitelerinde karsima cikiyordu. Baktim cok uzun da bir kitap degil, ingilizce okuyayim dedim. Dili basit, konu ve olay orgusu akici..cok fazla kisa kisa bolumden olusuyor, o nedenle telefondan da okunabilir. Ingilizce de okunabilir, intermediate seviye gayet yeterli. Benim
The Midnight Library
The Midnight LibraryMatt Haig · HarperAvenue · 202054,5bin okunma
174 syf.
3/10 puan verdi
İngilizce severler buraya :)
Sexing the Cherry Postmodernism has become an important part of our life and culture in many ways. Although it is a very common word in today's world, it cannot be expressed as a complete definition. Postmodernism is known for its rebellious approach and willingness to test boundaries. It is an indisputable fact that the word ‘master narrative’
Vişnenin Cinsiyeti
Vişnenin CinsiyetiJeanette Winterson · Sel Yayınları · 20191,720 okunma