Ne Okusam?
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Shahla Maharramova

Shahla Maharramova
Uluslararasi ilişkiler
Bakı , Azərbaycan, 28 Mayıs
135 okur puanı
Nisan 2017 tarihinde katıldı
Unutmaq istərəm...
Bahtiyar Vahabzade
Bahtiyar Vahabzade
Unutmaq istərəm!.. Özüm özümdən, Bir daha ayrılıb haçalanmayım. Gecələr yatıram bir fikirlə mən: Səni düşünməyim,səni anmayım!.. Bu elə qayğı ki, bu elə qəm ki, Azdırar yüz illik yolundan səni. Səhər də,axşam da düşünürəm ki, Gərək düşünməyim heç zaman səni. Unudar fikirdə,xəyalda,təkcə Unutmaz ürəkdə.sevən-sevəni. Mən özüm-özümə unut dedikcə, Özümü unudub tapiram səni... “Unudum. -deyirəm,ancaq nə fayda!.. Yadimdan çıxmamış düşürsən yada. Eşqimin odunu söndürə bilmir, Qəzəbim sel kimi aşıb daşsa da.
Hər zaman sülh olması diləyilə
May faith never become an ideological weapon to justify violence. If Jesus, Buddha, and Confucius were all alive and gathered in the same place, would they argue over who is right? Or would they respect and admire one another's teach-ings? Religious conflict can often be blamed not on the founders of religions but on their fanatical followers.
Azadlığınızı satmayın
Your freedom is more important than money. It is better to live the kind of life you want than to earn more and be constrained. Don't sell your freedom.

Okur Takip Önerileri

Tümünü Gör
You’re beautiful
You are beautiful not because you are better than others but because there is only you who can smile like that. May you fall in love with your unique self.
Why can't you trust that friend? Because you know all too well that you, too, are capable of lying in a similar circumstance.
When we hate someone, we think about him a lot. Unable to let him go, we gradually begin to act like him. Don't let him become a long-term tenant of the heart. Evict him right away with a notice of forgiveness. Does the person you hate deserve to be carried around in your heart? Keep in your heart only those who love you.
No matter how hurt you are, you don't need to have the last word. The last word can obliterate even the good memories.
Trying to convince someone to adopt our views is largely the work of our ego. Even if we turn out to be right, our ego knows no satisfaction and seeks a new argument to engage in.
Do not try to control those around you. When you cannot control even your own mind, what makes you think you can control others?
"No person can be found Who has been, is, or will be Only criticized Or only praised."
Sizin qəlbinizin sakinləri kimdir?
In the chambers of our heart, we have two tenants living side by side: Adolf Hitler and Mother Teresa.
Bunu unutmamaq diləyilə
Don't struggle to heal your wounds. Just pour time into your heart and wait. When your wounds are ready, they will heal on their own.
288 syf.
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Bəzən həyatın sürətinə o qədər diqqətimizi veririk ki dayanıb nəfəs almaq, yavaşlamaq, yavaşladığımız zaman olanları görmək çox çətinləşir. Bu kitab da bu zaman yardımımıza gələ bilər. Bir oturumda oturub oxuyacaq kitabdan daha çox hissə-hissə, yavaşlamağa ehtiyacımız olanda oxumaq daha yaxşı olar zənnimcə. Bəzi yerləri şablon motivasiya kitablarına bənzəsə də ümumi olaraq oxumaqdan, fərqli fikirlərlə və məsləhətlərlə tanış olmaqdan zövq aldım. Hər zaman kitab və sevgi ilə qalın
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