... You must be the other cat.’ The cat shook its head. ‘No,’ it said. ‘I’m not the other anything. I’m me.’ It tipped his head on one side; green eyes glinted. ‘You people are spread all over the place. Cats, on the other hand, keep ourselves together. If you see what i mean.’
So, when is the wedding?” Laughter greeted the question, and there was a hint of a smile on Casteel’s lips as he leaned toward me. “There is no side of you that is not as beautiful as the other half. Not a single inch isn’t stunning.” His lashes lifted, and the intensity in his stare held me captive. “That was true the first time I said it to you, and it is still the truth today and tomorrow.” My lips parted on a sharp inhale. I almost reached for my face again but stopped myself. Somehow, in the process of getting used to being seen without the veil of the Maiden, I’d forgotten about my scars—something I’d never thought possible. I wasn’t ashamed of them, hadn’t been for years. They were proof of my strength, of the horrific attack I had survived. But when I was unveiled in front of Casteel for the first time, I’d feared hewould agree with what Duke Teerman had always said. What I knew most thought if they saw me unveiled or looked upon me now. That half of my face was a masterpiece, while the other was a nightmare. But when Hawke—Casteel—had seen the pale pink, jagged streak of skin that started below my hairline and sliced across the temple, ending at my nose, and the other that was shorter and higher, cutting across my forehead through my eyebrow, he had said that both halves were as beautiful as the whole. I’d believed him then. And I’d felt beautiful for the first time in my life, something that had also been forbidden to me. And gods help me, but I still believed him.
80 syf.
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Bir organizmadan DNA elde etmek öyle kolaydır ki, mutfakta bile yapabilirsiniz bunu. Bir bitki veya hayvandan -bezelye veya biftek veya tavuk ciğerinden - bir parça doku alın. Bu dokuyu, biraz tuz ve su ekleyip mikserden geçirerek püre haline getirin. Sonra, biraz bulaşık deterjanı ekleyin. Deterjan, dokudaki hücrelerin etrafını saran ve mikserin doğrayamayacağı kadar minik hücre zarlarını parçalamaya yarar. Sonra, biraz et yumuşatıcı madde ekleyin. Et yumuşatıcı, DNA'ya bağlanan proteinlerin bir kısmını parçalar. Şimdi elinizde, içinde DNA bulunan, deterjanlı ve et yumuşatıcılı bir çorba var. Son olarak, bu karışıma biraz tuvalet ispirtosu ekleyin. Böylece iki katmanlı bir sıvı elde edersiniz: altta deterjanlı püre, üstte berrak alkol. Alkole büyük bir çekim gösteren DNA, alkolün içine doğru hareket edecektir. Eğer alkol içinde cıvık beyaz bir top belirirse her şeyi doğru yapm ışsınız demektir. İşte bu beyaz top DNA’dır.
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