They all heard it at the same time, a scratching, scuttling noise, coming from the far corner on the other side of the dinghy. Mac and Nolan moved without having to be told, Mac circling ‘round toward the far side of the boat while Nolan joined Banks in heading directly for the source of the sound. The first thing Banks saw was a prone man’s leg jerking as if in death throes. We’ve got somebody alive here. Then he stepped forward and saw what was feeding on the body and causing the leg to spasm.
Bir özlemi bir de düşü sor bana, Yıllar geçer "Sevdam hep onücünde"
“You’re going to be the death of me. I just know it.”
You’ll be the saddest part of me A part of me that will never be mine...
İsimsiz mezar olur be abisi...
İnsan eyler kendini, insan dağlar kendini, insan ne yapıyorsa kendine yapar şu hayatta. İnsan doğarken ağlar da isimsiz mezar olur be abisi
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