The personal life of the follower is brought back to the supervisor, who determines the contents of the following session. These documents constitute a centerpiece of Scientologic constraint, for they are confessions that could be used against a subject who might try to escape the influence of the cult. While the sessions themselves take on a serious and highly technical air, they contain a mass of information that binds the subject to the organization. The moral influence that they hold is nothing compared to the power the subject gives them through these sessions, both consciously and unconsciously. Instruments of permanent denouncement within the cult, they can become tools of blackmail in the outside world, for they contain the individual’s past, his fantasies and phobias, his errors, his bad habits, criminal background involving himself and his associates inside or outside of the cult. These reports can be also turned against their superiors. During an investigation of one Scientologist’s residence, the police discovered a letter from a member, addressed to the leaders, in which he admitted to having obeyed their orders. 16 [Author’s note: He acknowledged having conducted surveillance on me, and having sent numerous pieces of mail to me.]
Sayfa 212Kitabı okudu
Who Joins Cults? - Yes, You
Nevertheless, the fact remains that even apart from unsettling socioeconomic conditions and certain relevant family factors, any person who is in a vulnerable state, seeking companionship and a sense of meaning or in a period of transition or time of loss, is a good prospect for cult recruitment. Although most contemporary cults primarily recruit young adults, preferably single, some—especially the neo-Christian cults—seek entire families, and even the elderly are targets for some groups. What do the cults offer to lonely, depressed or uncertain persons? In one form of another, each cult purports to offer an improved state of mind, an expanded state of being, and a moral, spiritual, or political state of righteous certainty. That supposedly beneficial state can be reached only by following the narrowly prescribed pathways of a particular group master, guru, or trainer. To grasp that approach to life, the new recruit—the babe, the preemie, the trial member, the spiritual god-child, the lower consiousness one, as certain groups label the beginner—must surrender his or her critical mind, must yield to the flow of force, must have childlike trust and faith.
Sayfa 20
"gösterme kuralları" diyor buna Paul Ekman
Bize geceleri yabancılardan ve kamusal alanlardan korkmamız konusunda çok açık talimatlar verilir. Yayın organları da yabancıların kadınlara yönelik işlediği şiddet içeren suçları sansasyonel bir şekilde anlatırken, partner şiddetine pek değinmeyerek bunda rol oynar. Tüm polisiye diziler, kadınlara yönelik tiksindirici şiddet eylemlerinin tasviri etrafında döner, her sezonda hayal edilen suçlar ve canlı sahneleri daha da tırmandırılır (seni izliyorum, Criminal Minds ve Lawe-Order: SVU). Cinsel saldırı filmlerde, kitaplarda ve televizyonda da yaygın bir nakarattır ve genellikle yazarlar tarafından kadının kişilik gelişiminde önemli bir âni göstermek için kullanılır. Tüm bu tasvirler yabancı şiddetinin ve cinsel saldırının her zaman eli kulağında olduğunu ima eder.
Sayfa 166 - Sel Yayıncılık, 1. Baskı: Mart 2020
Oftentimes when Mother is narcissistic, she may be able to do some of the earlier nurturing because she has control of the infant and small child and can mold the child to her wishes. But as the child grows older and develops a mind of her own, the mother loses control and no longer has the same kind of power. This causes the mother to begin her demeaning, critical behavior with the child, in hopes of regaining that control, which is crazy making for the daughter. Even if she learned a modicum of trust as an infant, she begins to unlearn it as she grows older.
EARLY DEVELOPMENTS IN SOCIOLOGY Saint-Simon (1760-1825): It is emphasized that the most significant contribution of Saint-Simon to the development of sociology is the term industrial society, which successfully influenced both the radicals like Marx and conservative theoreticians like Comte at same time by reflecting both socialist and
Kralın Batıya İlerleyişi Çıkarları büyük ölçüde güneydeki ülkelerde bulunmasına rağmen Hititlerin kaynaklarını batıda Ege Denizi' ne dek uzanan seferler için ayırması sıra dışı görülebilir. Bu seferler, Kral Tudhaliya Yıllıkları olarak bilinir. Burada adı geçen Tudhaliya'nın Suriye'ye sefer yapan kralla aynı hükümdar veya onunla aynı adı taşıyan
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