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In 2019 I was able to wander around Florence. Florence's undeniable Medici influence is on display everywhere. From the architecture of the prominent buildings, to the art that adorns their interiors and exteriors, it even includes their influence on government. Christopher Hibbert's superb history of the Medici family is one that I
The Rise and Fall of the House of Medici
The Rise and Fall of the House of MediciChristopher Hibbert · William Morrow Paperbacks · 19996 okunma
252 syf.
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Darwin wrote this book in 1872. It's interesting to compare what he wrote about then with what his successor theorists write about today. In contrast to today’s emphasis on universals (e.g., humans are this or not this or that), Darwin notes throughout this book that individuals have a wide variability in physical, emotional, and mental
İnsanın Türeyişi
İnsanın TüreyişiCharles Darwin · Evrensel Basım Yayın · 2015722 okunma
456 syf.
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This is a powerful book by a truly insightful author. I recently read Harari's previous great book, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, and I enjoyed this one just as much. There is so much packed into Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, that it is hard to do justice to the book in a review. Yuval Harari has such a unique insight into
Homo Deus: Yarının Kısa Bir Tarihi
Homo Deus: Yarının Kısa Bir TarihiYuval Noah Harari · Kolektif Kitap · 201712,1bin okunma
396 syf.
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Since pretty much everyone I know has read these books, I figure reviewing them is pretty pointless. But with the new book coming out in a couple of weeks, I have to go through them beginning to end. To make the reviews more entertaining, I will be doing them in a variety of unexpected formats. For this review, I will be writing as Crookshanks fan
Harry Potter ve Azkaban Tutsağı
Harry Potter ve Azkaban TutsağıJ. K. Rowling (Robert Galbraith) · Yapı Kredi Yayınları Yayınları · 202234bin okunma
265 syf.
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This is a lovely collection of stories that served as an inspiration for the series Electric Dreams. Consisting of ten stories, this book is a great insight into Philip K. Dick's shorter prose works. Some of these stories fall more into macabre/horror genre (with a distinct Twilight Zone vibe) than into science fiction (as the title would
Elektrikli Düşler
Elektrikli DüşlerPhilip K. Dick · Alfa Yayıncılık · 2018128 okunma
72 syf.
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Willis George Emerson
Willis George Emerson
(Dünyamızın içten boş olduğunu doğrulayan en büyük ve en önemli tarihi belge olarak kabul edilen bu kitap, Norveçli kaşif ve denizci Olaf Jansen'in hikayesidir. Kuzey Kutbu'nun lumbozunu ve orada nehirlerini, bahçelerini ve hayvanlarını gördü, bize ülkesini ve sakinlerini anlattı ve bize Dünya'nın iç dünyasının güneşini
The Smoky God
The Smoky GodWillis George Emerson · CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform · 20161 okunma
Forever - Magon
I knew when You told me The nightmare Was over It won't last Forever Whenever It's over
"He came up to the window in the mist, as I had seen him often before, but he was solid then, not a ghost, and his eyes were fierce like a man's when angry. He was laughing with his red mouth, the sharp white teeth glinted in the moonlight when he turned to look back over the belt of trees, to where the dogs were barking. I wouldn't
Song of the Sword
The Sword Singing-- The voice of the Sword from the heart of the Sword Clanging imperious Forth from Time's battlements His ancient and triumphing Song. In the beginning,
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