128 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
5/5 Stars (%92/100) Before I dive too deep into the book, allow me to say a few words. Like Gaiman himself (read the introduction), Batman is my number one hero. I have a lot of favorite heroes like The Flash but Batman is different. I've always loved him and I probably read most of the comics and graphic novels (I don't really remember when). I've read this one before and it is definitely my favorite Batman comic but I couldn't really remember exactly when I read it. I decided to reread it because well Batman is my fav and Neil Gaiman is my second favorite writer (Tolkien being the first). So, I'll admit I'm kind of biased. When I finished it, it all came back to me. I remembered when and how I read this one. The book deals with Batman's death observed by the great detective himself. Everyone who knows and loves Batman comes to his funeral, including his enemies like Penguin, The Riddler, and The Joker. Everyone tells a different story and the death of Batman and this baffles the Bat. From the beginning till the end, I felt oddly warm. This is why I think the book is described as a love letter to Batman. The dialogues, the panels, the art style...everything was perfect in my opinion. I especially LOVE that certain panel of Alfred as The Joker. I've some people complaining about the ending but I found it fitting as well. Overall, this is a different Batman book than what we are used to in the sense that there is less action but more philosophical subjects. It makes you think and question certain things but you cannot help but admire Batman and what he stands for. Simply brilliant!
Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?
Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?Neil Gaiman · DC Comics · 2020141 okunma
368 syf.
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'Postcolonial' has emerged as a trend in literary and cultural research in search of addressing cultural conditions specific to newly independent societies. Its aim was primarily to demonstrate and subvert the cultural and psychological dimensions of colonial rule, recognizing that internal subjugation continued even long after the
Hindistan'a Bir Geçit
Hindistan'a Bir GeçitE. M. Forster · İletişim Yayınevi · 2009304 okunma
259 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
I wandered from emotion to emotion, from heart to heart, in one more adventure with Anne. With his big heart, he touched many hearts again and radiated light. As I read it, I remember the fact that your life is actually a beautiful place, that with kindness we can achieve most things. This gives me peace too. Less Gilbert than the other 3 books. Most of the pages consist of Anne's letters to Gilbert. I think the stories that smell of love are in the 5th book of the series. Then see you in your 5th book, Mom...
Anne of Windy  Poplars
Anne of Windy PoplarsL. M. Montgomery · Bantam Books · 20213,135 okunma
160 syf.
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Çılgın bilim insanı prenses Bubblegum'ı çok sevdiğim için bu kitabı da çok sevdim. Kitap bu tatlı karakter üzerine kurulu ama yine de dizisindeki daha az masum halini daha çok seviyordum. I loved this book too, as I love mad scientist princess Bubblegum. The book is based on this sweet character, but I still liked the less innocent version of the series more.
Adventure Time, Vol 4
Adventure Time, Vol 4Kate Leth · ‎Kaboom; Reprint basım · 20142 okunma
280 syf.
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Applications and Advantages of Sustainable Architecture
First of all, this is not a review, but a study in the form of a preparatory article. I will not promote the book, I will fill in the theme and context that the book presents to me with my own concepts. (I also want to try to write something in English, I thought it appropriate to start with the simple.) | Applications and Advantages of
Biomimetics in Architecture
Biomimetics in ArchitecturePetra Gruber · Ambra Publisher · 20103 okunma
64 syf.
5/10 puan verdi
This is a short, French-style comic title, so less than 60 pages, focusing on a Wendigo in World War I. The artwork is gorgeous, and the concept is interesting, but it feels rushed - most of the characters are undifferentiated from each other, and it speeds through to an ending without really setting up the stakes. It's also hampered by a B story that doesn't add enough to the overall environment to justify the amount of time it takes away from the main story. The artwork is well colored, and there are some truly disturbing images. But ultimately it all just moves through the story too quickly (while still having a plodding feel to its pace, oddly). The ending is good, but doesn't resonate as much as it could have if there had been more investment in the characters earlier.
Curse of the Wendigo
Curse of the WendigoMathieu Missoffe · Dynamite Entertainment · 20121 okunma
52 öğeden 11 ile 20 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.