176 syf.
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29 günde okudu
Kitabın dili ve biraz da araştırma ödevimle alakalı olduğu için bu inceleme İngilizce olacak, umarım sonrasında güzel bir inceleme daha yazabilirim, tabi ki Türkçe olarak... Ilgilisine ve meraklısına güzel ve açıklayıcı bir özet şeklinde bir inceleme olduğunu düşünüyorum. (Özet derken... Sanırım o kadar da özet değil. :’) ) Şunu da belirtmek
İnsanın Anlam Arayışı
İnsanın Anlam ArayışıViktor E. Frankl · Okuyan Us Yayın · 20232 okunma
These are useful places to start if you think that Nietzsche was a proto-Nazi, or, conversely, that he wrote nothing troubling or offensive and was completely misunderstood and unjustly appropriated by the Nazis with the aid of his evil Nazi sister; likewise, if you think that he certainly died of syphilis, or that he was a visionary whose ideas arose free from any intellectual context or influence, or, indeed, a philosopher working with presuppositions and preoccupations more or less identical to our own. But there is something inhospitable about greeting the reader with a blizzard of references. Rather than attempting the impossible task of clearing away any prejudicial associations, I move to what I take to be the most feasible alternative: to be as clear as possible about the aims, method and scope of this account of Nietzsche’s ethics.
230 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
5 günde okudu
5/5 Stars (%97/100) I was more or less familiar with the style of the writer, which is satiric, humorous and very effective. This is apparently his most famous book and I had to read for one of my classes. I didn't have a lot of knowledge about the book before I started it, so it helped me like it even more. The story revolves around a Spokane Indian named Junior who lives in a reservation. Junior is dissatisfied with his life in the reservation and decides to leave and live with "them whites." The author brilliantly portrays the harsh lifestyle of the Indians through the perspective of Junior who is 14 years old. Though he is very young, Junior is very smart and mature. He has a lot of problems in life not only because of his origin but also health problems. He thrives to survive in two worlds; Indian and White. I really enjoyed the book. It is definitely a page-turner. The language is very smooth and easy to understand. It is extremely humorous and satiric. Even when the author is talking about the death of a person, it still manages to put a smile on your face. It is sometimes tragic but also has comedic elements. The book is autobiographical and fictionalizes Alexie's own life.
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time IndianSherman Alexie · Little, Brown Books for Young Readers · 201718 okunma
"Creation begins with vision... Everything that we see in our daily life is more or less distorted by acquired habits... The effort needed to see things without distortion demands a kind of courage... [that] is essential to the artist, who has to look at everything as though he were seeing it for the first time. The work of art is thus the culmination of a long process of development. The artist takes from his surroundings everything that can nourish his internal vision.... He enriches himself internally with all the forms he has mastered and that he will one day set within a new rhythm." -- Henri Matisse (1869-1954)
Less is more..
'İnsanlar tükettikçe mutlu olabiliyor, en pahalı ürünü aldığında bir 'iç çatışma'dan daha galip(!) çıkıyor, bunu dışarı segilediğinde üstünlük egolarını besliyor..' İnsandaki bu zaaf ve psikolojiyi çözen kapitalist sistem aynı markaya kategorik fiyat belirleyerek yalnızca zenginlerin değil fakirlerin dahi bu çılgın yarışa katılmasını sağlar. Ve herkese kendi iç çatışmasından galip(!) geleceği 'fırsat alanları' sunar.. Oysa bu hasta olduğumuz andır, mutlu olduğumuz değil.. #LessİsMore
Given the fixed factor prices, when all inputs are raised at the same time by the same percentage, if output increases more than the percentage increase in inputs, we call this increasing returns to scale. If output increases by the same percentage as increase in all inputs, this is named constant returns to scale. If output increases less than the percentage increase in inputs, then there are decreasing returns to scale.
Sayfa 135Kitabı okudu
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