Ne Okusam?
Giriş Yap
If liberalism, nationalism, Islam, or some novel creed wishes to shape the world of the year 2050, it will need not only to make sense of artificial intelligence, Big Data algorithms, and bioengineering but also to incorporate them into a new and meaningful narrative.
Liberal values are the modern form of the Stoic doctrine of oikeiosis or belonging, according to which all and only rational beings possess full moral worth. All other beings are viewed either as potential means to human securiy and happiness or as threats to be neutralized. Even if we acknowledge that animals, unlike trees and streams, sufer, their sufering nonetheless counts less than human sufering, because according to the anthropocentric logic of liberalism only human beings possess the highest and purest moral status.
Sayfa 202 - Postmodern Conceptions of the Human-Animal BoundaryKitabı okudu
Geopolitical architecture in an age of intense globalization
The most high-profile anti-globalization demonstrations occurred in cities such as Cologne, Genoa, London, and Seattle. Frequently coinciding with meetings of the WTO or G8, anti-globalization critics are censorious of the way neo-liberalism has eroded national boundaries and thus exposed communities to unwanted interference from global corporations, international institutions, and/or hegemonic powers
Sayfa 70 - Chapter 3Kitabı okudu
liberals.. they always fall in love with invisible things...
It is the sense then that their violence is of a different sort -one backed by Reason- that allows modern liberals to support colonial interventions in seemingly illiberal countries in order to promote democracy, foster human rights, promote sustainable development, rescue women or many other such causes. Empire and modern liberalism not only go hand in hand but it is this intimacy and complicity between the two that makes the indignity of colonialism invisible to the modern liberal.
Sayfa 154
Mercantilist theorists such as Thomas Mun were in fact strong proponents of capitalism; they just propounded a different model than liberalism.
Çevreleme Liberalizmi - Containment Liberalism
Özetle, çevreleme liberalizmi, "uygun" bir ekonomik büyüme sağlayarak komünist programı çekici olmaktan çıkarmak gibi bir amaç taşıyordu.
Sayfa 80 - ÖtekiKitabı okudu
Do you want some brain? No thanks im a liberal!
Hayek's most influential work, The Road to Serfdom, explored growing state influence that he felt represented a fundamental threat to individual liberty. In his view, the growing role of government to provide greater economic security was nothing more than the first step on a slippery slope to socialism or fascism. He warned against reliance on ''national planners'' who promised to create economic utopias by supplanting competition with a government-directed system of production, pricing, and redistribution. Drawing on older theories of economic liberalism, Hayek argued that the only way to have security and freedom was to limit the role of government and draw security from opportunity the market provides to free individuals.
Sayfa 39 - pearson new international edition
In the twenty-first century liberalism will have a much harder time selling itself. As the masses lose their economic importance, will the moral argument alone be enough to protect human rights and liberties? Will elites and governments go on valuing every human being even when it pays no economic dividents?
Sayfa 361Kitabı okudu
Mehmet Ali Ağaoğulları
Through the course of the century [19th], nationalism and liberalism were the driving forces behind bourgeois revolutions.
Sayfa 178
Marxists reject the abstract individualism of liberalism and instead understand human behavior in its societal context.
Sayfa 34
Badiou’nün olası hakaretleri yankılanıyor zihnimde
The task of postliberal political thought is to seek terms of peaceful coexistence among different cultural forms without the benefit of the universalist perspective and the conception of rational choice that Hobbes was able to deploy as an early enlightenment thinker. In the postmodern age, liberal cultures and liberal states must renounce any claim to universal authority, and learn to live in harmony with other, non-liberal cultures and polities.
Sayfa 90
Nozick’s account of the minimum state fails because it contains no theory of taxation. My contention is that this is an unavoidable failure of any Lockean theory of the minimum state.
Sayfa 73
The maxim of laissez faire may, then, demand simply that the authoritative or coercive activities of government be restricted to the minimum required for the upholding of justice. (...) On this interpretation of laissez faire, governmental activity may encompass any manner of service functions -even including a welfare state- provided these functions be conducted in a non-coercive fashion.
Sayfa 73
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