It is wrong to give birth out of necessity, it is wrong to use a child to alleviate loneliness, it is wrong to give purpose to life by producing another copy of oneself. It is also wrong to seek immortality by vomiting your seed into the future, as if the sperm contains your consciousness!
When will and reason (reason also is choice) Useless and vain, of freedom both despoiled, Made passive both, had served necessity, Not me.
The Necessity of Experience (Deneyimin Gerekliliği) kitabında şöyle yazıyordu: “Herkese her yerde işlenmiş bilgi süprüntüleri sunmak uğruna bunca para ve saatlerce insan gücü harcayan ama dünyayı kendi başımıza keşfetmemiz için neredeyse hiçbir şey yapmayan bir toplumda yanlış olan bir şey vardır.”
This is an orchestration for an event. For a dance in fact. The participants will be apprised of their roles at the proper time. For now it is enough that they have arrived. As the dance is the thing with which we are concerned and contains complete within itself its own arrangement and history and finale there is no necessity that the dancers
But the most notoriously devastating review came from William Buckley’s National Review. Echoing the views of many religious conservatives, another kind of ex-Communist slammed Rand for her atheism and lack of charity and compassion. In “Big Sister Is Watching You,” Whittaker Chambers wrote that Atlas Shrugged substitutes “the Sign of the Dollar, in lieu of the Sign of the Cross,” presenting the “Randian Man” who, like “Marxian Man,” is at “the center of a godless world.” Chambers continues: “Out of a lifetime of reading, I can recall no other book in which a tone of overriding arrogance was so implacably sustained. Its shrillness is without reprieve. Its dogmatism is without appeal... From almost any page of Atlas Shrugged, a voice can be heard from painful necessity, commanding: ‘To a gas chamber—go!’ ”
Sayfa 107
On the one hand, our vision has always been of creating a world of perpetual vitality, despite our grudging recognition of death's 'necessity.' On the other hand, all we have constructed is an elaborate facade to conceal our immortal traumas — a false front that hides the perennial ordeals of the human race. Oh, the human race. And I began to see that perfection has never been the point, that both the lost paradise of the past and the one sought in the future were merely convenient pretexts for our true destiny of... disintegration MAD NIGHT OF ATONEMENT
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