“'The most important thing’ ….? That’s 'life,’ isn’t it ….?” “Life is a necessity. But have you ever thought about 'for what reason’ that there is life?”
depressive psychosis
Depressive psychosis is the extreme on the continuum of too much necessity, that is, too much finitude, too much limitation by the body and the behaviors of the person in the real world, and not enough freedom of the inner self, of inner symbolic possibility. This is how we understand depressive psychosis today: as a bogging down in the demands of others—family, job, the narrow horizon of daily duties. In such a bogging down the individual does not feel or see that he has alternatives, cannot imagine any choices or alternate ways of life, cannot release himself from the network of obligations even though these obligations no longer give him a sense of self-esteem, of primary value, of being a heroic contributor to world life even by doing his daily family and job duties. As I once speculated, the schizophrenic is not enough built into his world—what Kierkegaard has called the sickness of infinitude; the depressive, on the other hand, is built into his world too solidly, too overwhelmingly.
Once man-made, historical processes have become automatic, they are no less ruinous than the natural life process that drives our organism and which in its own terms, that is, biologically, leads from being to non-being, from birth to death. The historical sciences know only too well such cases of petrified and hopelessly declining civilizations where doom seems foreordained, like a biological necessity, and since such historical processes of stagnation can last and creep on for centuries, they even occupy by far the largest space in recorded history; the periods of being free have always been relatively short in the history of mankind.
If, as I believe, the ends of men are many, and not all of them are in principle compatible with each other, then the possibility of conflict - and of tragedy - can never wholly be eliminated from human life, either personal or social. The necessity of choosing between absolute claims is then an inescapable characteristic of the human condition. This gives its value to freedom as Acton conceived of it - as an end in itself, and not as a temporary need, arising out of our confused notions and irrational and disordered lives, a predicament which a panacea could one day put right.
Shakespeare'in İngilizceye kattığı deyimler
Büyük olasılıkla çoğunuz İngilizcede sürekli kullandığımız birçok söz­cüğü, deyimi ve anlatımı Shakespeare'den aldığımızı bilmiyor çünkü çoğu kimse o sözlerin ilk kez onun piyeslerinde dile getirilmiş olduklarından haberdar değil. Ama artık bileceksiniz çünkü Shakespeare'e kısaca göz atan bu yazıyı ondan alıntılar yaparak bitirmenin çok uygun
Sayfa 51 - Sel Yayıncılık, 2.baskı
Biosocial transcendence is derived from the literal connection to future generations by passing on one’s genes, history, values, and possessions, or by identification with an ancestral line or ethnic or national identity that perseveres indefinitely. The theological mode entails faith in a soul and the possibility of literal immortality; it can
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