Ne Okusam?
Giriş Yap
I demand that the human race ceases multiplying its kind and bow out I advise it And as punishment & reward for making this plea I know I’ll be reborn the last human Everybody else dead and I’m an old woman roaming the earth groaning in caves sleeping on mats And sometimes I’ll cackle, sometimes pray, sometimes cry, eat & cook at my little stove in the corner “Always knew it anyway,” I’ll say And one morning won’t get up from my mat
flickering lights anonymous doors my heart escaping in drips i‘m still waking up but she’s still sleeping this ICU is hotel for the dead
“The sleeping, and the dead, are but as pictures.”
Sayfa 63 - Shakespeare in MacbethKitabı okudu
You Know and I Know and Thee Know (...) as we look at our hands our feet our lives our way the sleeping hummingbird the murdered dead of armies the sun that eats you as you face it you know and I know and thee know we will defeat death.
Jesus Gives Life to a Dead Girl
All the people were crying and feeling sad because the girl was dead. But Jesus said, “Don’t cry. She is not dead; she is only sleeping.” The people laughed at Jesus because they knew that the girl was dead.  But Jesus took her by the hand and called to her, “My child, stand up!”  Her spirit came back into her, and she stood up immediately. Jesus said, “Give her something to eat.”   The girl’s parents were amazed. Jesus told them not to tell anyone about what happened. (Luka 8:52-56)
Harmony of opposites in existence
Heraclitus assumes the conflict between opposites is the basis of all existence. "They do not understand," he says, "that the all-One, conflicting in itself, is identical with itself: conflicting harmony as in the bow and in the lyre." Or still more clearly: "We go into the same river, and yet not in the same; it is we and it is not we." Or "One and the same manifests itself in things as living and dead, waking and sleeping, young and old."
Sayfa 74
A wolf that lies in its lair never gets meat, or a sleeping man victory. [ Scandinavian Proverb ]
Sayfa 134Kitabı okudu
Yüksek teknoloji insanların yaratıcılığını, spontaneliğini ve kişiliklerini çaldı. Bu kuşak medyanın tüm etkisine maruz kalan bir kuşak. Şu anki nesilde yaygın ahlaki çöküntüler görülmekte. Eskiler Beatles ve Rolling Stones dinleyip The Brady Bunch ( popüler bir Amerikan TV dizisinin adı) seyrederlerdi. Bugünün genç insanları Sodom, Sleeping Dead ve Madonna dinleyip The Simsons (Simpsonlar) seyrediyorlar. Bazı ülkelerde evliliklerinin üçte birinin boşanma ile sonuçlandı göz önüne alınırsa aile biriminin tehdit altında olduğu söylenebilir. Değerler ikiye katlandı. Artık gerçek doğru ve yanlışlar yok. Toplum ahlak istiyor, ahlaki liderler istiyor ve ileriyi gösterecek hayalperestler istiyor. Peki onlar neredeler?
"Don't consider my kidness as my weakness. The beast in me is sleeping, not dead.
Karma AkabeneKitabı okudu