Ne Okusam?
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"Nothing in this universe happens just once. Nothing. Infinity goes in both directions. There's no unique event, no singular moment." Dr. Temperance Brennan
Justine and Juliette are the two prototypical female figures in male pornography of all types. Both are wax dolls into which things are stuck. One suffers and is provocative in her suffering. The more she suffers, the more she provokes men to make her suffer. Her suffering is arousing; the more she suffers, the more aroused her torturers become. She, then, becomes responsible for her suffering, since she invites it by suffering. The other revels in all that men do to her; she is the woman who likes it, no matter what the “it.” In Sade, the “attitude” (to use Barthes’s word) on which one’s status as victim or master depends is an attitude toward male power. The victim actually refuses to ally herself with male power, to take on its values as her own. She screams, she refuses. Men conceptualize this resistance as conformity to ridiculous feminine notions about purity and goodness; whereas in fact the victim refuses to ally herself with those who demand her complicity in her own degradation. Degra­dation is implicit in inhabiting a predetermined universe in which one cannot choose what one does, only one’s attitude (to scream, to discharge) toward what is done to one. Unable to manifest her resistance as power, the woman who suffers manifests it as passivity, except for the scream.
You see me, Father? I am a desert creature.
The hawks circled overhead screeching their frustration. They knew what was happening. Any desert creature would know. And I am a desert creature, Kynes thought. You see me, Father? I am a desert creature. He felt the bubble lift him, felt it break and the dust whirlpool engulf him, dragging him down into cool darkness. For a moment, the sensation of coolness and the moisture were blessed relief. Then, as his planet killed him, it occurred to Kynes that his father and all the other scientists were wrong, that the most persistent principles of the universe were accident and error. Even the hawks could appreciate these facts.
200 syf.
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Başkomser Nevzat’ın trajikomik cinayetleri çözdüğü bir öykü kitabı. Ahmet Ümit’in roman konularını çok beğendiğim için okumaya başlamıştım ama öykü tarzını daha çok sevdim. Bir solukta biten “garip hikayeler”. Evet katili çabuk öğreniyoruz, en çok bu eleştiri yapılmış ama siz katil-polis kovalamacası istiyorsanız 8-10 sayfalık öykü okumamalısınız, konuyu çok yanlış anlamışsınız. Bu eleştiri et yiyip “ee ama bunda tatlı tadı yok” demek gibi bir şey. Benim en hoşuma giden şeylerden biri se Sis ve Gece’nin Sedat’ını bir hikayede görmemiz. SvG’deki Yıldırım’ın gençliğini de Kar Kokusu’nda görmüştük. Bu bağlantılarla sanki bir “Ahmet Ümit Universe” oluşmuş.
Şeytan Ayrıntıda Gizlidir
Şeytan Ayrıntıda GizlidirAhmet Ümit · Everest Yayınları · 201311,3bin okunma
Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.
“We were happy and they punished us for it.”
Maris said. Her forehead wrinkled slightly. “Thrawn did stop his attack, didn’t he?” Car’das felt his stomach tighten. Maris had been a shipmate, someone he’d spent half a year living and working and fighting alongside. More than that, he considered her a friend. He’d never lied to a friend before. Did he really want to start now? And with a lie as terrible as this one? And then, Thrawn’s voice seemed to float up from his memory. There are all too few idealists in this universe... The truth wouldn’t help the dead of Outbound Flight. All it could do was hurt Maris. “Of course he stopped Stratis’s attack,” he assured her with all the false heartiness he could create. “I was right there when Outbound Flight flew away.”
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