I have never felt more truly alive in my waking death than when I am taking the life of another person.
Ingmar Bergman
"I understand, all right. The hopeless dream of being - not seeming, but being. At every waking moment, alert. The gulf between what you are with others and what you are alone. The vertigo and the constant hunger to be exposed, to be seen through, perhaps even wiped out. Every inflection and every gesture a lie, every smile a grimace.
180 syf.
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17 günde okudu
Türkçe / English Review
Kitabın diğer incelemelerini incelerken çoğu okurun eserden "Çocuk kitabı" diye bahsettiğini gördüm ve
Çizgili Pijamalı Çocuk
Çizgili Pijamalı Çocuk
ile benzer bir karışıklılığa girdiğini fark ettim. Maalesef günümüzde eserlerin baş kahramanları çocuk olunca hemen çocuk kitabı etiketi yapıştırılıyor içeriği göz önünde bulundurulmadan.
Çizgili Pijamalı Çocuk
Çizgili Pijamalı Çocuk
'da olduğu gibi travmatik
The Giver
The GiverLois Lowry · Laurel Leaf Publishing · 2002892 okunma
Gerçekte sadece bir an vardır o da şimdiki andır ve o an da sonsuzluktur. Yalnızca tam şu an var ve biz de onun içindeyiz. Waking life 🎬
Ay ağlayacağım şimdi...
I had nightmares sometimes, where I’d dream that nothing over the past year had happened, and I was still in that L.A. apartment…all alone. Walker was always there though, waking me up and reminding me that I’d never be alone again, because he owned me body and soul. If this was a dream, it was one that I never wanted to wake up from. I would have gone through a million years of misery as long as I ended up with him. I thought about fate alot, about how the tides could turn and change…about how one moment, one decision…could change your whole life… Like what had happened when I’d gone to Maddie’s wedding…and I’d left with…the pucking wrong date.
As difficult as it may seem, you ve got to be honest with yourself about this whole process. Change can often be difficult and it will probably seem easier to just stick with what you're allready doing. That thinking can be dangerous. You're only kicking the can down the road and you risk waking up one day, years later, looking into mirror, asking yourself " What am i doing with my life ? "
Sayfa 61
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