Indeed someone who has tasted evil and known it and then tastes good and knows it, could well discern the good better, love it more, and hate the evil more than those who have not tasted evil.
Gender Projection—Types Although there are infinite variations, below you will find six of the more common types of gender projections. (...) 1- The Devilish Romantic: For the woman in this scenario, the man who fascinates her—often older and successful—might seem like a rake, the type who cannot help but chase after young women. But he is
Sayfa 340Kitabı okudu
"I've been trying to figure out what he intends to do. It's almost impossible. I don't know him Alfred. All these years and I don't know who he is any more than he knows who I am. How can two people hate so much without knowing each other?"
DC Comics - kindle - Batman
Aşık Odur (The Valley of Love)
The lover is a man who flares and burns, Whose face is fevered, who in frenzy yearns, Who knows no prudence, who will gladly send, A hundred worlds toward their blazing end, Who knows of neither faith nor blasphemy, Who has no time for doubt or certainty, Tho whom both good and evil are the same, And who is neither, but living flame.
Sayfa 172 - Penguin Classics
"He who knows [the Tao] does not [care to] speak [about it]; he who is [however ready to] speak about it does not know it."
Sayfa 75 - Lao Tse
There’s an Italian proverb that speaks the truth about health for many of us: “He who enjoys good health is rich, though he knows it not.”
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