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"It's a funny thing," said Rabbit, "how everything looks the same in a mist. Lucky we know the Forest so well, or we might get lost." "Pooh!" Piglet whispered. "Yes, Piglet?" "Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw. "I just wanted to be sure of you."
_ORGAN SİSTEMLERİ_ _Organ, belirli bir görevi olan doku grubudur. Doku, hücreler topluluğudur. Hücre ise canlıların yapıtaşıdır. _Atom > Molekül > Hücre > Doku > Organ > Sistem > Canlı (Organizma) _Çok hücreli canlılarda aynı yapı ve görevdeki hücreler birleşerek dokuları, dokular birleşerek organları, organlar birleşerek
Hey, Mr Langford,' a muscle-bound man said. Is it true that the Mona Lisa is a picture of Da Vinci in drag? I heard that was true.' 'It's quite possible,' Langdon said. 'Da Vinci was a prankster, and computerized analysis of the Mona Lisa and Da Vinci's self-portraits confirm some startling points of congruency
Sayfa 168 - Corgi
“Yes. He did that to you and it was awful. But when he left, he took himself away. He took a lot of important things but he didn’t take you. He didn’t take the best of you. I believe you’re more ready than you think,” Jaime said gently. “I’m not sure,” I whispered. “You will be,” she said. “Eventually.”
bu ara çok boşluktayım, boşluğun dolması için zaman zaman musluklar açılıyor. üzerimde yaşlı hüznü var, hemen bulutlanıyorum. bu arada dolma derken aklıma biber dolması geldi.. bir de dolmaya sarma, sarmaya dolma diyenler.. bu ne anlam bilmezlik! kafa patlatmak yerine kalkıp mısır patlatayim diyorum ne dersiniz? hiçbir şey diyemezsiniz çünkü
Kızlardan biri kaç yaşındasın diye sordu bana, 15 dedim. O da 73 doğumlu. Tim'le yaşıt. Tim'e sordu o senin kız arkadaşın mı dedi, Tim yes sure dedi. Tim kızlara Burçak'ın gözleri çok güzel değil mi dedi. Kızlar da içinde küçük bir yıldız var dediler.
Sayfa 163Kitabı okudu
Say Yes To Heaven
"Onu o kadar uzun süre seveceğim ki, Sonunda o da beni sevecek. Theo, sen de ara sıra aşık olmuyor musun? Keşke olsan. İnan bana, hayatın küçük ıstıraplarının bile bir değeri var. İnsan kimi kez korkunç umutsuzluğa kapılıyor, sanki cehennemdeymiş gibi hissediyor kendini ama başka çok daha iyi şeyler de var işin içinde."
The hardest question I have ever been asked is: “How do I stay alive for other people if I have no one?” The answer is that you stay alive for other versions of you. For the people you will meet, yes, sure, but also the people you will be.
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Crime Monastery
"The Name of the Rose” which is a post-modern work was written by Umberto Eco in 1980. It is a historical murder mystery. Umberto Eco is a medieval expert. The author deals with the Middle Ages in a fictional structure, while at the same time providing real information about the state - church-sects, along with his deep historical research.
The Name of the Rose
The Name of the RoseUmberto Eco · Vintage Uk · 199212,5bin okunma
"Do you need me to pose or something?" Gaz asked. "Sure," she said, mostly to keep him busy while she drew. She tidied up his uniform, smoothing out his paunch, taking liberties with his chin. Most of the difference, however, had to do with the expression. Looking up, into the distance. With the right expression, that eye patch became noble, that scarred face became wise, that uniform became a mark of pride. She filled it in with some light background details reminiscent of that night beside the fires, when the people of the caravan had thanked Gaz and the others for their rescue. She removed the sheet from the pad, then turned it toward him. Gaz took it reverently, running his hand through his hair. "Storms," he whispered. "Is that really what I looked like?" "Yes," Shallan said. She could faintly feel Pattern as he vibrated softly nearby. A lie... but also a truth. That was certainly how the people Gaz saved had viewed him. "Thank you, Brightness," Gaz said. "I... Thank you." Ash's eyes! He actually seemed to be tearing up.
Sayfa 418Kitabı okudu
Wearing the Inside Out : Sanatçı: Pink Floyd Çıkış tarihi: 1994 Söz yazarı: Richard Wright, Anthony Moore Albüm: The Division Bell ** From morning to night, I stayed out of sight Didn't recognize I'd become No more than alive, I'd barely survive In a word overrun Won't hear a sound (he's curled into the
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