The city had surrendered to the Southern Army long ago. The only one still fighting was her.
The winter of 1916–17 was one of the worst in European history, and it wrecked the harvests. The impact was less severe for Britain and its allies because they were able to import food. But the hunger struck Germans with full force while the British blockaded their ports. It had been Britain’s strategy for centuries, as they didn’t need a large land army when they controlled the seas. Densely populated European countries could not produce enough calories at home, so they needed to import grain from abroad. That’s what made the British blockade so deadly effective. Their immense navy always won the hunger games against foreign armies because soldiers needed to eat.
Sayfa 39 - pdfKitabı okudu
İngilizcede "arms" sözcüğü iki farklı anlam taşır: kollar ve silahlar. "Armed" (silahlı), "armour " (zırh), "army" (ordu) gibi sözcükler içeren kelime dağarcığı , bedene yönelik şiddetin dildeki tanığıdır ve insanın öldürmeye ilişkin tutumu konuşmalarımıza nakşolmuştur.
Despite the size of the French army, which was perhaps six times as large as Henry's, superior tactics and outstanding generalship gave the English the advantage of causing havoc on a crowded battlefield. The king protected his archers from cavalry attacks by driving sharpened stakes into the ground around them. And the bowmen repaid him: firing volley after volley through the air towards the French and their horses and the men-at-arms who attempted to cross the battlefield on foot.
"Khabu? said the Shah again, peering out at the city. "The Shah wishes to know, please, where we are now,' said Khashdrahr. 'I know,' said Halyard, smiling wanly. It had been khabu and siki and akka sahn until he was half out of his mind. He leaned forward. 'Ilium, New York, your highness. We are about to cross the
Sayfa 28 - paladin
Another new class arose in the Occupation years: the newly liberated Asian minorities living in Japan, the so-called sangokujin. Literally "people of three countries," the sangokujin were Chinese, Taiwanese, and Koreans who had been brought into Japan to replace the many workers who had been drafted into the army. Working in what were often conditions of virtual slavery, the sangokujin served as forced labor in factories and various unskilled jobs.
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