Ne Okusam?
Giriş Yap
Under atheism we cannot justify our rational faculties.
Most atheists are philosophical naturalists; naturalism asserts that there is no supernatural, and that physical processes can explain all phenomena. According to naturalism,if we probe the most basic levels of reality we see that everything is a result of blind, random, non-rational physical processes; subatomic particles, atoms and molecules are whizzing around without any direction, guidance or intended outcome. Physical stuff has no purpose; nothing is intentionally driving these physical processes. İf this is the case,though, how can we claim our minds have the ability to achieve mental insights? How can we clean the ability to reach a conclusion? A key part of being able to reason is to have rational insights, to see in one's mind that something logically follows from something else. This is where naturalism fails,as it asserts that all phenomena are based on random, non-rational physical processes. The ability to take premises and drive them towards a mental destination is invalidated if one postulates that the ability comes from blind non-rational physical processes. I think cannot give rise to something if it does not contain it, or if it does not have the ability or the potential to give rise to it. Therefore to even suggest the rationality can come from non-rational physical processes is exactly the same as believing that something can come from nothing.
Bu giriş makalesinde ben, İran'ın önde gelen filozoflarından bazılarının düşüncelerince temsil edilen ve Doğu felsefesi içerisinde en Önemli felsefe türlerinden biri olan bir felsefî aktiviteye dikkat çekmek istiyorum. Ben bu yaklaşımın, Doğu ve Batı'nın yüz yüze gelip buluşması bağlamında ve Doğu ile Batı'nın felsefî düşünce planında birbirlerini
Sayfa 13 - ANKA YAYINLARI, 2. Basım, Ağustos 2002Kitabı okudu
Workers of the World Unite , Karl Marx
"In the nineteenth century there were thousands of cotton mills in the north of England. Dark smoke poured from their tall chimneys, polluting the streets and covering everything in soot. Inside men, women and children worked very long hours – often 14-hour days – to keep the spinning machines going. They weren’t quite slaves, but their wages were very low, and the conditions were tough and often dangerous. If they lost concen- tration they could get caught up in the machinery and lose limbs or even be killed. Medical treatment in these circum- stances was basic. They had little choice, though: if they didn’t work they would starve. If they walked away, they might not find another job. People who worked in these conditions didn’t live long, and there were very few moments in their lives they could call their own."
Sayfa 158 - YALE UNIVERSITY PRESSKitabı okudu
Singer emphasizes eliminating practices, such as factory farming, in which the most egregious ofenses against animals are committed. The potential of utilitarianism to counter practices such as animal experimentation is less clear, particularly in cases in which the gain to human beings promises to be great. Thus Stuart Hampshire states that utilitarianism “places men at the very center of the universe, with their states of feeling as the source of all value in the world.”17 Utilitarianism does not imply this inherently, to the extent that all the interests of all sentient beings are considered; but utilitarians do so as a matter of practice, because human beings ultimately make the calculations. A basic tenet of utilitarianism is that only the individual in question can say de0nitively what his or her interests are and how much enjoyment or sufering he or she will experience from the promotion or frustration of those interests. When humans make utilitarian calculations on behalf of animals, the likelihood of anthropocentrism is high.
Sayfa 9 - CONTEMPORARY DEBATES ON THE STATUS OF ANIMALS, Current Philosophical Discussions of the Moral Status of AnimalsKitabı okudu
Allah Yoksa Ahlakın Rasyonel Bir Temeli de Yoktur
Allah olmadığında ahlaki değerlerin doğruluk değeri kalmayacağına, Nietzsche ve Sartre gibi ünlü ateist filozoflar dikkat çekmiştir. Nietzsche’nin “Ondan, temel bir kavramı, Allah’a inancı çekip aldığınızda, bütününü mahvedersiniz: artık zorunlu hiçbir şey elinizde kalmaz... onun ancak Allah’ın varlığı doğruysa bir doğruluk değeri olabilir; o, Allah ile ayakta durur, Allahsız çöker" (Walter Kaufmann, Portable Nietzsche, New York, The Viking Press, 1954, s. 515-516.) gibi sözleriyle ahlak için sergilediği yaklaşımı da böylesi bir tespiti ortaya koymaktadır. Sartre’ın şu sözlerinde de bu yaklaşımı görmekteyiz: "Tam tersine, varoluşçu için Allah’ın var olmadığı fikri oldukça huzursuzluk vericidir, çünkü O’nla beraber rasyonel bir zeminde değerler için zemin bulma olasılığı da yok olmaktadır. Bu, bunu düşünecek sonsuz ve mükemmel bir Bilinç olmadığı anlamına geldiğinden, baştan kabul edilebilecek bir iyilik de yok demektir. Sadece insanların olduğu bir zeminde olduğumuzdan; hiçbir yerde iyiliğin var olduğu, kişinin dürüst olması veya yalan söylememesi gerektiği yazmaz. Dostoyevski 'Allah olmasaydı, her şey serbest olurdu.' diye yazmıştır ve bu da varoluşçuluğun başlangıç noktasıdır. Gerçekten de Allah yoksa her şey serbesttir ve bunun sonucu olarak da insanın bir dayanak noktası yoktur." (Jean-Paul Sartre, Basic Writings, Ed: Stephen Priest, Londra, Routledge, 2001, s. 32)
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