Buna karşılık, tarihte kanuniyet iddiasındaki toplum bilimlerine göre çok daha sağlam bir yön vardır ki biz akademilerde bunu öğretiyoruz. Nitekim bunu öğretmek ve beklemek zorundayız ki bu yöne sahip olmayan insanın tarihçi olamayacağı çok açıktır o da şudur: Tarihin herhangi bir sosyal bilimde, hatta doğa biliminde bile görülmeyecek kadar pekin (exact) olduğu yerler vardır. Meselâ paleografya (eski yazı bilimi), diplomatika (vesika bilimi), nümizmatika (sikke bilimi), epigraphica (kitabe bilimleri) gibi alt bilim dalları buna Örnek olarak gösterilebilir.
Sayfa 26
There has been a lot of confusion lately about the exact meaning of fascism. People call almost anyone they don’t like ‘a fascist’. The term is in danger of degenerating into an all-purpose term of abuse. So what does it really mean? In brief, while nationalism teaches me that my nation is unique and that I have special obligations towards it, fascism says that my nation is supreme, and that I owe my nation exclusive obligations. My nation is the only important thing in the world, and I should never prefer the interests of any group or individual over the interests of my nation, no matter what the circumstances are.
AI often frightens people because they don’t trust the AI to remain obedient. We have seen too many science-fiction movies about robots rebelling against their human masters, running amok in the streets and slaughtering everyone. Yet the real problem with robots is exactly the opposite. We should fear them because they will probably always obey their masters and never rebel.
BoJack Horseman
Son zamanlarda en sevdiğim animasyon dizisi bojack horseman'dan bir replik ; taneisha: i love karen. but does she complete me ? bojack: taneisha, nobody completes anybody. that’s not a real thing. if you’re lucky enough to find someone you can half way tolerate, you sink your nails in and don’t let go no matter what. taneisha: so what, i should just settle ? bojack: yes, thank you, exactly. settle. because otherwise you’re just gonna get older and harder, and more alone. and you’re gonna do everything you can to fill that hole, with friends, and your career, and meaningless sex, but the hole doesn’t get filled. one day, you’re gonna look around and you’re going to realize that everybody loves you, but nobody likes you. and that is the loneliest feeling in the world.”
“No, nothing bad,” I tell her. “I don’t know exactly what he came for, but he kissed my hand. It was nice, like out of a storybook.” “Nice things don’t happen in storybooks,” Taryn says. “Or when they do happen, something bad happens next. Because otherwise the story would be boring, and no one would read it.”
Sayfa 144
Chapter Thirteen
“You know what I like the most about you?” “I already know this answer,” I say, smiling. “My mouth.” He leans his head back against the couch. “Oh yeah. That does come first. But do you know what my second favorite thing about you is?” I shake my head. “You don’t put pressure on me to be something I’m incapable of being. You accept me exactly how I am.”
Sayfa 168
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