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my mother   doesn’t rely on instruction manuals or men     nor does she equate the two can fix anything if you get out of her way says the best technology is her own two hands
When paths between feminism and evolutionary biology have crossed, interesting new issues and questions have emerged: Does the discovery of new data ignored by male scientists for decades and elaboration of new scenarios for old data by women scientists mean that male scientists will not make similar mistakes in the future now that they are aware of the possibility for androcentric bias? Or does the gender of the scientist influence the sorts of questions asked, the methods of observation, and theories and conclusions drawn from the data? Is it possible to be both a feminist and a sociobiologist (as opposed to a woman who is also a behavioral ecologist/evolutionary biologist)?
Sayfa 21 - Possible Implications of Feminist Theories for the Study of Evolution - Sue V. Rosser
What we want is nothing about us without us. What we want is for each individual to define their own identity and expect that society will respect them.
Sayfa 104Kitabı okudu
Bilinç yükseltme gruplarının en güçlü müdahalesi, tüm kadınlardan kendi içlerindeki cinsiyetçiiikle, ataerkil düşünce ve eylemle kurdukları ittifakla yüzleşmelerini ve feminist eyleme bağlılıklarını gözden geçirmelerini talep etmesi olmuştur. Bu müdahale bugün de gereklidir ve feminist politikayı seçen herkes için aşılması gereken bir safha olarak durmaktadır
Some of the earliest feminist writings came out of Sweden in the mid-18th century
Anyway, since feminism was un-African, I decided I would now call myself a Happy African Feminist. Then a dear friend told me that calling myself a feminist meant that I hated men. So I decided I would now be a Happy African Feminist Who Does Not Hate Men.
Feminism is the radical notion that women are people.
Darwinian Feminism and Human Affairs
Why would selection favor female inclination to mate with more than a single male? This question is not simply sexist, for Bateman's principle would seem to indicate that females do not gain from polygamous mating in the same way that males do.
Are Science and Politics Incompatible?
Wilson, Daly, and Scheib provide an analysis of wife killing, uxoricides, that they note is amenable to analysis using evolutionary principles, despite the fact that uxoricides are specifically not an adaptation. They hypothesize that femicide is an epiphenomenal by-product of psychological processes in men designed by natural selection to control females via violence (please note that Wilson et al. do not claim that violence is the only option open to men, any more than I do).
Introduction: Darwinian Feminists and Feminist Evolutionists - Patricia Adair Gowaty
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