The winter death spike has two main causes. First, cold helps viruses. It inhibits immune systems, lets pathogens survive longer when airborne and leads people to congregate indoors. Second, as the body’s temperature falls, blood thickens and its pressure rises, raising the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Irritated airways can also obstruct breathing. In Britain weekly death rates from cardiovascular causes are 26% higher in winter than summer. Those from respiratory diseases are 76% higher.
Sayfa 80 - The Economist EU - 11.26.2022
For the first time in fifteen hundred years, he thought of the future with some hope and was willing to do anything he could to keep her in it.
they certainly deserved better
I woke to his nose on mine, pressing insistently against me as I struggled from the webbing of my dreams. He smelled sharp and strange, and for a moment I was almost revolted at this creature that clung to me and shoved its face against mine. But then he sat back on his heels and was Achilles again, his hair damp and darkened, as if all the morning’s sun had been poured out of it. It stuck to his face and ears, flattened and wet from the helmet. He was covered in blood, vivid splashes not yet dried to rust. My first thought was terror—that he was wounded, bleeding to death. “Where are you hurt?” I asked. My eyes raked him for the source of the blood. But the spatters seemed to come from nowhere. Slowly, my sleep-stupid brain understood. It was not his.
Sayfa 165 - Harper Collins PublishersKitabı okudu
A classic quote often attributed to the first Baron Rothschild is that the best time to buy is when there’s “blood in the streets.” The second part of that bit of advice, I was told, is “even when the blood is your own.” This obviously makes the Baron even more interesting than I thought he was. I would personally amend that to take the subjective factor into account: The best time to buy is when everyone else is screaming that there’s blood in the streets. Because I’m willing to bet that no matter what happens, if you take a look down into that gutter, all you’re likely to see is a gutter full of wine.
First, a little lie; then, several little lies to prop it up. After that, distorted thinking to avoid the shame that those lies produce, then a few more lies to cover up the consequences of the distorted thinking. Then, most terribly, the transformation of those now necessary lies through practice into automatized, specialized, structural,
Sayfa 229 - Rule 8Kitabı okudu
And then he pulls her to him. A lover’s embrace. He is smoke and skin, air and bone, and when his mouth presses against hers, the first thing she tastes is the turning of the seasons, the moment when dusk gives way to night. And then his kiss deepens. His teeth skim her bottom lip, and there is pain in the pleasure, followed by the copper taste of blood on her tongue. “Done,” whispers the god against her lips. And then the world goes black, and she is falling.
Part 1 - Chapter IXKitabı okudu
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