‘Nothing belongs to us. Everything is something that is rented out. Our very heads are filled with rented ideas passed on from one generation to the next. Wherever your thoughts finally settle is the same place that the thoughts of countless other persons have settled and have left their impression, just as the backsides of other persons have left their impression on that sofa where you are now sitting. We live in a world where every surface, every opinion or passion, everything altogether is tainted by the bodies and minds of strangers. Cooties – intellectual cooties and physical cooties from other people – are crawling all around us and all over us at all times. There is no escaping this fact.’ PURITY
Nor was her fate exceptional: moral purity may have been the standard in public life, but the reality was often quite different. Venereal diseases were a fact of life in Victorian Britain: the spread in particular of syphilis, an inevitable by-product of prostitution, caused growing concern amongst campaigners for sexual respectability, who increasingly saw themselves as beleaguered by working-class permissiveness, illegitimacy and disease – in a subculture lacking selfdiscipline and respect. Prostitution was considered the ‘Great Social Evil’ and was viewed as the greatest threat to the institution of marriage. Venereal diseases were presented as God’s punishment, the wages of sin – and it was a given that only women, and never men, could be the agents of infection.
The art of swimming -she supposed like any art- was about purity. The more focused you were on the activity, the less focused you were on everything else and became the thing you were doing.
Analytic Philosophy and Ahistoricism
What is called the history of concepts is really either a history of our knowledge of concepts or of the meanings of words. Often it is only through enormous intellectual work, which can last for hundreds of years, that knowledge of a concept in its purity is achieved, by peeling off the alien clothing that conceals it from the mind’s eye.
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45 günde okudu
Jonathan Franzen romanın kendisinde de sözünü ettiği gibi, bir başyapıt ortaya çıkarmak adına 632 sayfalık, oldukça kalın bir eser ortaya koymuş. Romana adını veren karakter Purity yani "Saflık" kendi adı yerine Pip adını kullanmayı tercih ediyor. İlk bölümde onu ve annesini tanırken aynı zamanda da romanın nasıl ilerleyeceğine dair
SaflıkJonathan Franzen · Sel Yayıncılık · 201838 okunma
"iblis is progressive"* aahahahahah shine on you crazy iblis * hamza yusuf - 7:07 / 10:47 Ramadan Ruminations Lesson 5: Goodness and Purity (youtu.be/dGfjjT0q9-Q)
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