"The TARDIS whooshed through the time vortex, spinning wildly, off to the next adventure. Maybe it wouldn't be where -or when- the Doctor had planned to be. But it would always be exactly the place and time he needed to be."
Sayfa 166Kitabı okudu
Don't you see, Dee—something has to be going on. Some movement. Maybe somebody's organizing. How can we find out?" He pounds the ground behind her. "We should make contact! If we could only find out." "The, the news?" she asks distractedly. "The news." He laughs. "There's nothing in the news except what they want people to know. Half the country could burn up and nobody would know it if they didn't want. Dee, can't you take what I'm explaining to you? They've got the whole world programmed! Total control of communication. They've got everybody's minds wired in to think what they show them and want what, they give them and they give them what they're programmed to want—you can't break in or out of it, you can't get hold of it anywhere. I don't think they even have a plan except to keep things going round and round—and God knows what's happening to the people or the earth or the other planets, maybe. One great big vortex of lies and garbage pouring round and round getting bigger and bigger and nothing can ever change. If people don't wake up soon we're through!"
In those days, when I first knew her, she was saturated with Strindberg. That wild carnival of maggots which he reveled in, that eternal duel of the sexes, that spiderish ferocity which had endeared him to the sodden oafs of the northland, it was that which had brought us together. We came together in a dance of death and so quickly was I sucked down into the vortex that when I came to the surface again I could not recognize the world. When I found myself loose the music had ceased; the carnival was over and I had been picked clean. . . .
Sayfa 181 - Grove PressKitabı okudu
Hayat rüya içinde bir rüya. Gaspar Noe - Vortex
Hayır! Hayır! Bir an geliyor ki, hayal ettiğimiz gibi yaşamanın mümkün olmadığına, bize rüyada görünen - o kadar kolay ki, elimizle tutuyoruz sandığımız- şeylerin güç, gerçekleşmesi imkânsız olduğuna kendimizi inandırıyoruz.
For at times such misery comes over me, such misery.... Because it begins to seem to me at such times that I am incapable of beginning a life in real life, because it has seemed to me that I have lost all touch, all instinct for the actual, the real; because at last I have cursed myself; because after my fantastic nights I have moments of returning sobriety, which are awful! Meanwhile, you hear the whirl and roar of the crowd in the vortex of life around you; you hear, you see, men living in reality; you see that life for them is not forbidden, that their life does not float away like a dream, like a vision; that their life is being eternally renewed, eternally youthful, and not one hour of it is the same as another; while fancy is so spiritless, monotonous to vulgarity and easily scared, the slave of shadows, of the idea, the slave of the first cloud that shrouds the sun, and overcasts with depression the true Petersburg heart so devoted to the sun—and what is fancy in depression!
Sayfa 22 - e-kitapKitabı okudu
She’s a tornado, and half the time I don’t know what to do with her, but I still want to get caught up in her vortex.
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