What a beautiful thing to die. All my friends thought I was losing myself when I said I don't blieve god will torture us. They assume I was atheist. But my point was god is not mean and wont hurt us. But maybe they were right. Maybe there is no such a god that wont torture. And maybe I was wrong. Dying is just the beggining
Atheist miracle...
Ateist: Evreni Allah yarattıysa Allah'ı kim yarattı? Ben: Fırıncı pasta pişirdiyse fırıncıyı kim pişirdi? Ateist: 🌟😳😵‍💫 Atheist: If God created the universe then who created God? Me: If a baker baked a cake then who baked the baker? Atheist: 🌟😳😵‍💫
⚠️ ATHEIST / ATHEISM ⚠️ ⚠️ ATEİST / ATEİZM ⚠️ (ARASINDAKİ FARKLAR) Öncelikle ateizm görüşü ile ateist tanımının farklı olduğunu anlamamız gerekiyor. Biri görüş iken, diğeri görüşü savunan veya kendini yakın bulan kişiye denir. Bir ateist eksik, hatalı, yetersiz olabilir hatta ateizmden vazgeçip artık ateist olmayabilir. Ama şu da bir gerçektir,
mental health and religion , Rollo may
In his book, The Art of Counseling, May explored the relationship between mental health and religion. He agreed with Freud that dogmatic religion appeals to humanity's neurotic tendencies but diverges from this viewpoint by explaining that true religion, the fundamental affirmation of the meaning of life, is "something without which no human being can be healthy in personality." He noted that what Freud was attacking was the abuse of religion as it is used by some to escape from their life challenges. May agreed with Carl Jung that most people over 35 would have their problems resolved by finding a religious outlook on life. Jung believed that those patients actually fell ill because they had lost the sense of meaning which living religions of every age have given to their followers, and only those who regained a religious outlook were healed. May believed this is true for people of all ages, not just those over 35; that all people ultimately need to find meaning and purpose, which true religion can provide. He claimed that every genuine atheist with whom he had dealt had exhibited unmistakable neurotic tendencies. May described the transformation, mostly through the grace of God, from neurosis to personality health: The person rises on the force of hope out of the depths of his despair. His cowardice is replaced by courage. The rigid bonds of his selfishness are broken down by a taste of the gratification of unselfishness. Joy wells up and streams over his pain. And love comes into the man's life to vanquish the loneliness. He has at last found himself—and found his fellowmen and his place in the universe. Such is the transformation from neurosis to personality health. And such is what it means, likewise, to experience religion.[4]
Rollo May
Rollo May
Sosyolog ve Bilim Tarihçisi Alper Bilgili'den Alıntıdır
Ateist felsefeci Michael Ruse da bilimi dine karşı konumlandıran ve dinlerin insanlık için zararlı olduğunu iddia eden Richard Dawkins’in Tanrı Yanılgısı adlı eserinin “Felsefeye Giriş” ve “Dine Giriş” seviyesinden bile aşağıda olduğunu belirtmiştir. Bu eser, Ruse’a göre bilim-din ilişkisiyle ve dinle ilgili iddialarında hem yüzeysel hem de
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