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Mengzi thinks that most people will be unable to develop their nature without having their basic needs for things such as food met. Indeed, Mengzi provides specific advice about proper farm management, showing his concern with the practicalities of governing. Once their fundamental needs are met, basic—but universal— ethical education is crucial.
Mozi saw ideological differences and the factionalism they spawned as the primary source of human suffering. Therefore, he sharply criticized the family-based ethical and political system of Kongzi for its inherent partiality and advocated a strict chain of command leading up through a monarch and resting in Heaven. In place of Confucian ren , “benevolence,” he advocated a form of state consequentialism, which sought to maximize three basic goods: the wealth, order, and population of the state. As an alternative to Confucian familial love, he argued for jian’ai , which is often translated as “universal love” but is better understood as “impartial care.”
176 syf.
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Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life
"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way." In this book, the term ikigai is translated as the bliss of always being busy. Ikigai is actually a combination of your passion, your mission and your profession. This book answers some basic questions as to why some people keep doing what they have been doing for years tirelessly even though it's the same things over and over again, say, actors, writers, bloggers, artists and so on. Why do some people never get bored or frustrated repeating doing the same things over and over again? Now, I know this book is overhyped and a lot of us have high expectations from it. While I think the book is more about answering the basic question which we most of the time overlook. Also, it provides a ten-point compressed rule of ikigai: 1. Stay active; don’t retire. 2. Take it slow. 3. Don’t fill your stomach. 4. Surround yourself with good friends. 5. Get in shape for your next birthday. 6. Smile 7. Reconnect with nature. 8. Give thanks. 9. Live in the moment. 10. Follow your ikigai. Overall, this book is truly uplifting. I was intrigued by the simplicity and calming tone it offers, and it captured my attention till the end. The book unleashes the Japanese Zen philosophy, inspiring the readers to search and discover. I highly recommend it, I read it in English, its language is easy
İkigaiBettina Lemke · 20201,654 okunma
Charles Moore
One of the basic human requirements is the need to dwell, and one of the central human acts is the act of inhabiting, of connecting ourselves, however temporarily, with a place on the planet which belongs to us and to which we belong.
Sayfa 1 - VintageKitabı okudu
People do sometimes sense the sacredness of nature, such as when they look closely at a flower, climb high peaks, or journey deep into the mountain. Such aesthetic sense, love, receptivity, and understanding are people's most basic instincts — their true nature. These days, however, humans are flying in a completely different direction to some unknown destination, and they seem to be doing it as rapidly as possible.
"Eğer doğanın işleyişinin oldukça tesadüfi ve ayrıca tamamıyla gerekli gibi görünen yönleri varsa, bunlar özellikle Tanrı'ya inancı destekleyen kanıtlar olarak görülebilir." (Palle Yourgrau, A World Without Time: The Forgotten Legacy of Gödel and Einstein (New York: Basic Books,)
200 syf.
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3 günde okudu
-Citation- "From Leibniz’s rationalist perspective, the world simply is what it is; The joke clarifies the obvious truth that optimism and pessimism are personal attitudes that have nothing to do with Leibniz’s neutral, rational description of the world. The optimist says, “The glass is half full.” The pessimist says, “The glass is half empty.” The rationalist says, “This glass is twice as big as it needs to be.”" -End of citation- Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar is a fun read for anyone interested in learning about a few basic philosophical topics, made much more fun by the delivery in the form of jokes, followed by a brief description. The book is divided into ten sections, each of which covers a significant philosophical approach or field, such as Metaphysics, Ethics, or Existentialism, and addresses each one in a lighthearted manner. It is not a textbook, and it would be most enjoyable to someone looking for a brief overview of different philosophical ideas, or to someone who already has a basic understanding of philosophy and would enjoy the jokes, stories, and contemporary examples. The theory is illustrated through real-life examples that most people can relate to jokes. Although not all of them made me chuckle, they all had a tongue-in-cheek nerdy vibe about them. As you'd expect from two philosophy nerds discussing how jokes are philosophy and vice versa.
Platon Bir Gün Kolunda Bir Ornitorenkle Bara Girer
Platon Bir Gün Kolunda Bir Ornitorenkle Bara GirerThomas Cathcart · Aylak Kitap · 20122,131 okunma
Religious beliefs are basic human social survival concepts with slight alterations.
"Deeper you go differences become blurry in basic sciences."
The moral universalist believes that there are derivative norms that may differ across cultures, but at least some basic norms don’t.
Reductionism is the view that all higher-level phenomena are explained in terms of lower-level phenomena, some of which are basic.
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