'You know it's wonderful to see another world. It's entirely unlike anything that has ever come to your thoughts. And everything in it fits. You couldn't have dreamed it up yourself, but somehow it all seems to work, and each tiny part is related. Everything except me. If I had known I was only going to stay a short while, this would have been the most exciting thing I could imagine – a marvel in my life. But to know that it's for ever, that I'll always be here where I'm not able to belong, and that I'll never be able to get back home, never . . .'
Sayfa 41 - Faber EditionsKitabı okuyor
In the moment, separating your past self from your current self can be unsettling. Even positive changes can lead to negative emotions; evolving your identity can leave you feeling derailed and disconnected. Over time, though, rethinking who you are appears to become mentally healthy-as long as you can tell a coherent story about how you got from past to present you. In one study, when people felt detached from their past selves, they became less depressed over the course of the year. When you feel as if your life is changing direction, and you're in the process of shifting who you are, it's easier to walk away from foolish beliefs you once held. My past self was Mr. Facts-I was too fixated on knowing. Now I'm more interested in finding out what I don't know. As Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio told me, "If you don't look back at yourself and think, 'Wow, how stupid I was a year ago, then you must not have learned much in the last year." The second kind of detachment is separating your opinions from your identity. I'm guessing you wouldn't want to see a doctor whose iden- tity is Professional Lobotomist, send your kids to a teacher whose identity is Corporal Punisher, or live in a town where the police chief's identity is Stop-and-Frisker. Once upon a time, all of these practices were seen as reasonable and effective.
When a person becomes aware of their impending death, they have to make a compromise between the life they hey could have led, and the reality of death. Sure there are all the little regrets, the broken dreams, but you have to go easy on yourself, and be flexible.
Sayfa 187Kitabı okudu
Your next chore is to find out what kind of advertising your competitors have been doing for similar products, and with what success. This will give you your bearings. Now comes research among consumers. Find out how they think about your kind of product, what language they use when they discuss the subject, what attributes are important to them, and what promise would be most likely to make them buy your brand. If you cannot afford the services of professionals to do this research, do it yourself. Informal conversations with half-a-dozen housewives can sometimes help a copywriter more than formal surveys in which he does not participate.
Aiden'ın arkadaşlarına olan sevgisi shsjdhjaha
"There's absolutely nothing wrong with that and you'll not blame yourself for choosing to save your marriage. Blame Cole. That motherfucker should be blamed for half of the world's problems. The other half are on Ronan."
Eli & AidenKitabı okudu
“There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that and you’ll not blame yourself for choosing to save your marriage. Blame Cole. That motherfucker should be blamed for half of the world’s problems. The other half are on Ronan.”
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