170 syf.
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58 günde okudu
How is it possible to write dispassionately of life in a concentration camp in such a way as to engender great feeling in the reader? This is how Frankl dealt with his experience of those terrible years. The dispassionate writing makes the horrors of the camp extremely distressing, more so than writing that is more emotionally involved. It is almost reportage. The first half of the book is equal in its telling to The Diary of a Young Girl in furthering our understanding of those dreadful times. There are occasional glimmers of humanity from the Germans. These are so small that rather than illuminate any basic goodness, they cast further into the shadows the terror of living in a place and time where death might be a beating or a shot to the head at any moment. There are also stories of the depths that some of the Jewish victims would sink to in what they would do to stay alive themselves. It made me think that rather than condemn these people for becoming tools of the Nazis, what would I do faced with death or the chance to stay alive a little longer and maybe save family or friends. 7 stars, golden stars for this half of the book. The second half is about Frankl's psychotherapeutic methods and lost me in boredom. I did read this in its entirety but it wouldn't have spoiled the book, or my appreciation of the genius retelling and brilliant writing of the first half, if I hadn't.
İnsanın Anlam Arayışı
İnsanın Anlam ArayışıViktor E. Frankl · Okuyan Us Yayın · 202374 okunma
Bahtsız Bedevi Henry VII
On 2 April 1502 Prince Arthur died at Ludlow. Henry VII and Queen Elizabeth were devastated. ...Arthur's death was a blow from which the king would never recover. ...But this was nothing to the misery that followed on 11 February 1503, when Queen Elizabeth also died, following the premature birth of her last child, a girl named Katherine. In less than eighteen months, all his plans for the future of his dynasty had collapsed. The shadow cast by Arthur's death was long and dark, and it changed the whole character of Henry VII's reign. His mood shifted from celebratory to suspicious.
Sayfa 349Kitabı okudu
My soul wants to fly away When your Presence calls it so sweetly, My soul wants to take flight When you whisper, "Arise." A fish wants to dive from dry land into the ocean when it hears the roaring waves. A falcon wants to return from the forest to the King's wrist when it hears the drum beating
Sayfa 12
‘There is still much ground to cover. Your truck with the Liathe and your ties to the Faithless. The battle of Augustin and the treachery in Charbourg. The death of the Forever King and the loss of the Grail. But …’ Again, Jean-François cast hateful eyes to the dawn rising through the thin window. ‘Time has caught us for now, I fear.’ ‘I told you, vampire.’ Gabriel smiled, his tongue thick with wine. ‘Everything ends.’
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Ruhun mu ateş, yoksa o gözler mi alevden? Bilmem bu yanardağ ne biçim korla tutuştu? Pervane olan kendini gizler mi hiç alevden? Sen istedin ondan bu gönül zorla tutuştu. Is it your soul that is on fire, or are those eyes ablaze? I don't know how this volcano ignited with such fervent embers. Does a moth ever conceal itself from the
384 syf.
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Sadece Bir Kez Yaşıyorsun, Tadını Çıkart.
Adam Silvera
Adam Silvera
They Both Die at the End
They Both Die at the End
her zaman gördüğüm ve sonunda merak edip aldığım bir kitap. Death-cast sizi saat kaç olursa olsun arıyor ve 24 saat içinde öleceğinizi söylüyor. Karakterlerimiz Rufus ve Mateo birbirinden habersiz iki genç, aynı gün içinde death-cast tarafından aranıyorlar ve ölecekleri söylüyor. Kaderleri bir noktada birbirine bağlanan ikili başta birbirlerinden çekinselerde gün içinde seksüel yönelimleri doğrultusunda sevgililik yoluna giriyorlar... Bence kitap aslında ölümün her an yanımızda olduğunu ve hayatın mümkün olduğunca tanının çıkartılarak yaşanması gerektiğini vurgulamaya yönelik yazılmış bir eser çünkü bazı yerleri okurken keşke diyorsunuz.
They Both Die at the End
They Both Die at the EndAdam Silvera · HarperTeen · 20173,088 okunma
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