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Web 1.0 versus Web 2.0
Web 1.0 (the state of the web through the 1990s and early 2000s) was focused on a relatively small number of companies and advertisers producing content for users to access (some people called it the "brochure web"). Web 2.0 involves the users—not only do they often create content, but they help organize it, share it, remix it, critique it, update it, etc. One way to look at Web 1.0 is as a lecture, a small number of professors informing a large audience of students. In comparison, Web 2.0 is a conversation, with everyone having the opportunity to speak and share views. Companies that understand Web 2.0 realize that their products and services are conversations as well.
Kahrolası cehalet! :D
Senin gibi Amerikalılaşmış Türk bile 'self-help' nedir bilmiyor!
It said, Do it. Take what you want, it said. I’ll hate you for it. But I’ll love you forever. I can’t help but love you. Ruin me, ruin us, and I’ll let you.
The prisoners’ photos soon arrived in Paris. The Allies were stunned to learn who had slipped through their fingers. The thin man was Enver Pasha, the fat one Bahaeddin Şakir. They were two of the world’s most wanted war criminals. The blood of a million murdered Armenian, Greek, and Jewish civilians was on their hands. Meanwhile, the mastermind of the operation waited patiently in Berlin. He was another Turk, Talaat Pasha, aka the Grand Vizier. As wartime leader of the Ottoman government headed by the Young Turks, allied with Germany during the war, he was the principal architect of the genocides. Before the war, the Young Turks cooperated with the Ottoman Empire’s ethnic Armenians in politics. But by the spring of 1915, Talaat had decided to destroy the Armenians, along with Greek Christians who lived in Anatolia. He also began an attack on the Jews. But he could not have pulled off the murders without the help of Enver, his war minister, and Bahaeddin, his propaganda chief. When the Ottoman Empire collapsed at the end of the First World War, the three fled under threat of execution. In the fall of 1918, their German military allies helped them escape justice and gave them sanctuary.
Sayfa 208 - pdfKitabı okudu
"I want your victory and your freedom to long for a child. You should build living monuments to your victory and your liberation. You should build over and beyond yourself. But first I want you built yourselves, square in body and soul. You should not only reproduce, but surproduce! May the garden of marriage help you to that!"
On Child and MarriageKitabı okuyor
Erkekler hiçbir şey hak etmiyor
"Elizabeth longed to help him. She still believed in him, although nobody else did. She tried to meet him, but could not find him. She wrote to him, but he did not reply. At his house, they told her he had left and gone to stay with Jopp. She went there (...) Jopp told her Henchard would see no one."
The shared identity begins to reinforce your personal identity. This is why remaining part of a group after achieving a goal is crucial to maintaining your habits. It’s friendship and community that embed a new identity and help behaviors last over the long run.
Before I left at dawn I drew the lines of her hand on a piece of paper and gave it to Diva Sahibi for a reading so I could know her soul. She said: A person who says only what she thinks. Perfect for manual labor. She's in contact with someone who has died and from whom she expects help, but she's mistaken: the help she's looking
Makima: I am a fan of his, of the hero of hell, chainsaw man. Cry for help and he will come. The devils targeted by chainsaw and the devils who called for help are cut up and killed too. Because of what, he does, he is marked and killed by many devils... But he revs his engine and arises again and again. Some react to his chaotic exploits with anger, others run and try to escape. And still others worship him. And there's another reason he is the devil that devils fear most. The devils that chainsaw man eats. Their names are erased from existence.
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