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248 syf.
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The universe is a joke. Even before I was shown the meaning of life in a dream at 17 (then promptly forgot it because I thought I smelled pancakes), I knew this to be true--and yet, I have always felt a need to search for the truth, that nebulous, ill-treated creature. Adams has always been, to me, to be a welcome companion in that
Otostopçunun Galaksi Rehberi
Otostopçunun Galaksi RehberiDouglas Adams · Alfa Yayıncılık · 20207,4bin okunma
248 syf.
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An ingenious, frenetically paced book crammed full of fascinating ideas. this was Dick's first published novel yet it doesn't feel like it. he jumped into writing with his style and his themes fully formed. that's not to say this isn't rough - but all of his stories are rough. for me that is a big part of their appeal. it feels like he wrote this in a white heat and then immediately had it published, screw any rewriting. it has so much energy! and talent to burn. I've always found it hard to write about Dick (but not about dick) because anything I'd want to tease out or explore is already right there between the pages, blatant. his ideas are front and center: the human struggle to be an individual rather than a cog in the machine and the equally human desire to just have a relaxed, pleasant life; mega-structures like governments and corporations that hold complete dominion but still function like slot machines or a roulette wheel or a bad yet very funny dream; a world of predetermined lives where everyone, high and low, is still prey to luck and randomization - it is the person who can figure out a system deciphering that randomness who often wins. my favorite part of the book was an outstanding sequence in which an android assassin attempts to carry out a hit - a blank slate of an assassin whose decisions are made by a multitude of minds jumping in and out of its body, changing directions and plans abruptly with each new mind, confounding its telepathic pursuers with every new and surprising decision. a breathless and very exciting scene. synopsis: in the year 2203, at the start of a shocking regime change, irritable everyman Ted Benteley gets a new job.
Uzay Piyangosu
Uzay PiyangosuPhilip K. Dick · Alfa Yayıncılık · 201782 okunma
224 syf.
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PKD books are never filled with sunshine and bunnies, but this one has one of the most depressing beginnings of any I've read so far. The protagonist is stuck in a meaningless bureaucratic job in a stagnant and oppressive uber-socialist future USA, and his only enjoyment (which has become a hollow enjoyment) is the playing of "The Game" with other bored cube-rats in other countries ("The Game", amusingly enough, involves feeding a computer translation of English into a another language back into the translator to get mangled English - a game a good number of people I know have played with BabelFish). But once is rescued/entrapped/employed by the bizarre, god-like entity the Glimmung, the novel takes on the character of a fever dream that is equal parts deep philosophical inquiry, total bullshit, raw despair, surreal imagery and often hilarious absurdity. Here all of Dick's obsessions, excesses, and off-kilter humor somehow work in harmony to keep the grandiose (and yes, often awkwardly written) proceedings from collapsing into a mess - it instead somehow generates its own captivating dream logic. And when he undercuts his heavy ponderings and symbolism with humor or pop trash, he doesn't do it in an arch or coy, post-modern way, he seems to be insisting, "No, the profound and the trash, they really are deeply intertwined for anyone who is really looking."
Galaktik Çömlek Tamircisi
Galaktik Çömlek TamircisiPhilip K. Dick · Alfa Yayınları · 2019107 okunma
304 syf.
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Why the book is best-seller? Let me check :)
Yorumlara bakmamistim, yazara bir sans vermek istedim ve kitap hep internet sitelerinde karsima cikiyordu. Baktim cok uzun da bir kitap degil, ingilizce okuyayim dedim. Dili basit, konu ve olay orgusu akici..cok fazla kisa kisa bolumden olusuyor, o nedenle telefondan da okunabilir. Ingilizce de okunabilir, intermediate seviye gayet yeterli. Benim
The Midnight Library
The Midnight LibraryMatt Haig · HarperAvenue · 202054,5bin okunma
84 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
28 saatte okudu
Dokunulmazlık ayrımcılığına son verilmesi, kadınların özgürleştirilmesi, Hindistan'ın bağımsızlığı için mücadele, ayrımcılıklara karşı savaş açmak… Dünya çapında Mahatma (Büyük Ruh) Gandhi olarak bilinen Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi'nin temel mücadelelerinden sadece bazılarıdır. Şiddet içermeyen direnişi, dünyadaki birçok özgürlük ve insan hakları hareketini etkilemiştir. Gandhi'nin doğum günü olan 2 Ekim, BM Genel Kurulu tarafından Dünya Şiddete Hayır Günü ilan edilmiştir. Gandhi şiddetsiz mücadelesiyle, daha sonra onu örnek alacak olan Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela ya da Aung San Suu Kyi gibi isimlerin de haksızlığa karşı başlatacakları pasif direnişlerin meşalesini yakmıştır. Çok vefa borçluyuz. Onun gibi daha nicelerine yaşamları pahasına haklarımızı, özgürlüklerimizi savundukları bunları kendi dönemlerinde büyük uğraşlar mücadeleler ile verirken bir gün bile pes etmeyi düşünmedikleri için hepsine vefa borcumuz var. Farklı milletlerde, farklı ülkelerde, farklı dinlerde seçili sebeplerden dolayı ayrımcılığa uğrayan insanların, canlıların bugün hakları ve sahip oldukları zamanında birilerinin seslerini duyurmak için verdikleri mücadelelerde gizli. “ I have a dream” ( Bir hayalim var.) onların hayalleri bizim geleceğimizi şekillendirdi. Bunları unutmamalı ve bugün bu haklarımızı onlara olan borcumuzdan kendimize olan saygımızdan insan olabilmenin temelinden sahip çıkmalıyız!!
Gandhi - Şiddete Hayır
Gandhi - Şiddete HayırChantal Portillo · Alfa Yayınları · 2019216 okunma
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The Yellow Bird
The work of Truman Capote " In Cold Blood" is not only the first- true crime novel, but also a psychological and sosyological novel which is non-fiction. When Capote reads the news in the New York Times, he becomes interested in the murderers of four members of the Herbert Clutter family. As a result of a deep investigation and
In Cold Blood
In Cold BloodTruman Capote · Penguin · 2000735 okunma
208 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
3 günde okudu
4/5 Stars (%81/100) A little bit of context: I've seen many clips of the anime for weeks now and I thought it was some cliche hot girl/shy guy kind of anime. Slice of life anime can be really good if done properly. I watched 11 episodes of the anime in like 2 days (the last episode will be out today) and I really enjoyed it. I'm pretty sure it'll get a new season but not for a while. Soooo, I'm here with the manga. This was a pretty good first volume. There are some extra scenes that weren't in the anime. For those who don't know. The protagonist is a high-schooler named Gojou who is super antisocial mainly because of his dream to become a hina doll maker. By chance, he starts spending time with the most famous girl (Kitawaga Marin) at the school and realizes that they have much in common. Their friendship start when Gojou agrees to make cosplay clothes for her (he has experience sewing for dolls). Though the premise is quite simple and cheesy, I actually enjoyed it more than I expected. First of all, I haven't seen or read anime/manga about cosplay or hina dolls. Despite explicit scenes, it is not simply fan service as many people argue. I think both Gojou and Marin are beautifully written. Gojou thinks Marin has no problems because she is pretty, rich (I guess?), popular and so on. Marin thinks Gojou is simply shy but does not know the underlying reasons. I would continue to read it and definitely recommend it to others. The humor is good, the characters are interesting, the story is fun and makes you read more. This series was honestly a surprise for me!
My Dress-Up Darling, Vol. 1
My Dress-Up Darling, Vol. 1Shinichi Fukuda · 202031 okunma
78 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
32 saatte okudu
"All things have their ends." said Dr. Jekyll.
This story came to Stevenson in a dream in 1885 and he wrote the entire book in only few days. I mean can you believe this? It is representing the duality of human beings in such a genius way I must say. I love this story. It is one of my favourites of gothic literature. Everyone should read it.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeRobert Louis Stevenson · Beşir Kitabevi · 201319,9bin okunma
55 syf.
7/10 puan verdi
Welcome Home Jacko Analysis
Culture is a part of everyone’s identity consciously or unconsciously and when someone meets a different culture, it can be difficult for anyone surely. Britain as a multicultural country, there are various lifestyles. Most people are from Africa because Britain was an imperial country that colonized many areas. The obstacles that multicultural
Nice Rum an' Coca Cola & Welcome Home Jacko
Nice Rum an' Coca Cola & Welcome Home JackoMustapha Matura · Methuen · 198013 okunma
127 syf.
7/10 puan verdi
4 günde okudu
Bu basit eser neden bu kadar ünlü?
Virginia Woolf, Cambridge ve Oxford’da sunmak için “Kadın ve Kurmaca Edebiyat” hakkında konuşma yapmak için bu eserde anlatılanları kaleme alır. “Kendine Ait Bir Oda” vurgusu ekseninde kadınların edebiyat ve sosyal hayat içindeki yerine “edebî eserler üzerinden” değinir. Asıl soru şudur: Neden kadınların bir Shakespeare’i yoktur? Kadınlar
Kendine Ait Bir Oda
Kendine Ait Bir OdaVirginia Woolf · İletişim Kitabevi · 202137,7bin okunma
21 öğeden 1 ile 15 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.