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"she made oceans with her tears she used the heartache as motivation to build to boat in hopes of sailing far away from everything and eveyone who hurt her"
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3. Don’t try to impress. No one likes us for our clothes, our cars, our possessions, our titles, or our accomplishments. Those are all “things.” People may like our things but that doesn’t mean they like us. Sure, superficially they might seem to, but superficial is also insubstantial, and a relationship that is not based on substance is not a real relationship. The only way to form genuine relationships is to stop trying to impress . . . and start being yourself.
Motivation involves starting, directing, and maintaining physical and psychological activities. The Latin root of the word is movere, which means "to move." All organisms move toward some stimuli and activities and away from others.
Sayfa 189Kitabı okudu
Management accounting is the process of supplying the managers in an organization with relevant information, both financial and nonfinancial, for making decisions, allocating resources, and monitoring, evaluating, and rewarding performance. (…) Nonfinancial management accounting information includes measures related to customer satisfaction and loyalty, process quality and timeliness, and employee motivation. Management accounting information has the following features: 1. Managerial accounting provides both data on past transactions and helps users with information and calculations for the future. For both reporting and planning, management accounting uses both financial and nonfinancial measures. 2. Management accounting has a multifaceted perspective by meeting the needs of decision-making of both employees and senior management. 3. Management accounting, as in financial accounting, does not analyze within the framework of various theoretical rules or legal regulations. All of these get determined by managers’ judgments and decisions about what best meets their needs for actionable information and is defined entirely by the needs of managers using the information.
Eski psikolojik terminolojide, beyindeki bedensel ihtiyaç saptama sistemlerinin "dürtüleri" ortaya çıkardığı düşünülürdü, ancak böyle geniş ve soyut bir ara değişkenin makul bir birim halinde beyin süreçlerine bağlanamayacağı fark edilince bu kavramların kullanılması azaldı. Gerçekten de mantık çerçevesinde bakıldığında dürtü kavramı, davranışların tutarlı bir şekilde açıklanması için yetersiz kalmaktadır. Özellikle de özgül yoksunluk durumlarının hayvanın dışsal güdüleyici uyaranlara verdiği yanıtı kolaylaştırdığı düşünülecek olursa, güdülenme kavramı belki yeterli olabilir. * *Bolles, Robert C. ( 1 975). Theory of motivation. New York: Harper and Row.
Whatever your problems are, the concept is the same: solve problems; be happy. Unfortunately, for many people, life doesn’t feel that simple. That’s because they fuck things up in at least one of two ways: 1. Denial. Some people deny that their problems exist in the first place. And because they deny reality, they must constantly delude or distract themselves from reality. This may make them feel good in the short term, but it leads to a life of insecurity, neuroticism, and emotional repression. 2. Victim Mentality. Some choose to believe that there is nothing they can do to solve their problems, even when they in fact could. Victims seek to blame others for their problems or blame outside circumstances. This may make them feel better in the short term, but it leads to a life of anger, helplessness, and despair. People deny and blame others for their problems for the simple reason that it’s easy and feels good, while solving problems is hard and often feels bad. Forms of blame and denial give us a quick high. They are a way to temporarily escape our problems, and that escape can provide us a quick rush that makes us feel better. (...) In this sense, almost anything can become addictive, depending on the motivation behind using it.
The only way to determine genuine motivation and/or intent is to observe the behavior of an individual.
Makineler böyle pasta yapmayı nereden öğrendi?
"Yapay zeka alanının Godfather'ları diye bilinen ve derin öğrenmeye katkılarından dolayı Turing ödülü alan üç kişiden(Hinton, LeCun ve Bengio) ikisinin makaleleri." "How could machines learn as efficiently as humans and animals? How could machines learn to reason and plan? How could machines learn representations of percepts and action plans at multiple levels of abstraction, enabling them to reason, predict, and plan at multiple time horizons? This position paper proposes an architecture and training paradigms with which to construct autonomous intelligent agents. It combines concepts such as a configurable predictive world model, behavior-driven through intrinsic motivation, and hierarchical joint embedding architectures trained with self-supervised learning." openreview.net/pdf?id=BZ5a1r-kVsf
Motivation and Habit
Motivation is what gets you start. Habit is what keeps you going.
Sayfa 141 - John Murray LearningKitabı okudu
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