Ne Okusam?
Giriş Yap
Ode to nightingale
My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk, Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk: 'Tis not through envy of thy happy lot, But being too happy in thine happiness,— That thou, light-winged Dryad of the trees
Sliding open the drawer where I kept them, I grabbed a condom package. And then I stared at it. There was a strange ringing in my ears all of a sudden…and my heart was pounding in my chest. The bathroom's light seemed to intensify whatever…insanity I was feeling. What if… Something took hold of me, the addiction that had been building inside me all night, unfurled, stretching its wings and transforming into…desperation. Uncontrollable desperation. She wanted to pretend this was a one night thing, but I knew better. And I knew she knew it on some instinctual level too. She wanted to run, because she was scared. I couldn't let her run. So this uncontrollable desperation inside me...turned into something else. There was one way I could keep her. Trap her so to speak… I was having an out of body experience. That was the only way to describe what was happening as I reached back into the drawer, and pulled out the sewing kit I kept in there. I pulled out one of the needles, watching as it glinted ominously under the unforgiving light. No turning back now. Carefully, almost mechanically, I began to puncture the condom package with the needle. One hole, then two, and soon a pattern of tiny punctures formed. The voice of reason in my head screamed at me to stop, but the obsession, the overwhelming need to possess her, drowned out those voices.
The sound of death was far away. It seemed now that Nature had no ears. The scene gave him assurance. This was a place holding life. It was the religion of peace. It would die if its calm eyes were compelled to see the blood. He believed Nature to be a woman with a deep unwill­ingness to see suffering.
A real smile appears primarily because of the action of two muscles: the zygornaticus major, which stretches from the corner of the mouth to the cheekbone, and the orbicularis oculi, which surrounds the eye. When working together bilaterally, these draw the corners of the mouth up and crinkle the outer edges of the eyes, causing the crow's
My heart pumped hard against the cold, and blood slammed through my veins, thundered and roared in my ears until the dam in my sinus cavity burst and it came streaming out of my nose again. I ran straight into the trees, where branches and thorns tore at my face and arms and legs, butI barely felt them, tiny pricks of pain lost in the tumult and snarl of panic. I turned off the path and plunged deeper into the woods, so deep I didn't know if I'd be able to find my way back, deep enough that no one would hear me. When I thought my heart or my lungs would burst, I fell on my hands and knees in the icy leaves and howled into the trees until something in my throat broke.
Sayfa 294Kitabı okudu
For example, a person discovers the pleasures of painting, sculpture, and music only by experiencing them. You will never be able to make someone understand this if they have not encountered great art. And for this subject in particular, we need more than our ordinary eyes and ears. To appreciate art, you must use your inner eyes and ears. You must open your heart. And your heart, well, it opens only when you actually encounter a great work of art in person and it makes a deep impression on you. If it means anything at all to live in this world, it’s that you must live your life like a true human being and feel just what you feel. This is not something that anyone can teach from the sidelines, no matter how great a person they may be.
İnsanoğlunun kaderinin tosladığı engeldir o. Bütün kötülüklerin anası olan kibre hiçbir mantıkla karşı konulamaz; çünkü kibirli insan, tabiatı gereği, o mantıklı sözlere kulak tıkar... It is the obstacle at which the fate of mankind stumbles. No logic can resist the arrogance, the mother of all evils, because a arrogant person inherently blocks their ears to rational words.
Gerçeklik ne kadar yakın bir yüzle karşımızda haykırırsa haykırsın, biz yine de kendi beklentilerimizin içten içe fısıldadığı yalanlara kulak kesiliyoruz. No matter how loudly reality shouts in our faces, we still lend our ears to the lies whispered by our own hidden expectations.
Let us not waste our time in idle discourse! (Pause. Vehemently.) Let us do something, while we have the chance! It is not every day that we are needed. Not indeed that we personally are needed. Others would meet the case equally well, if not better. To all mankind they were addressed, those cries for help still ringing in our ears! But at this place, at this moment of time, all mankind is us, whether we like it or not. Let us make the most of it, before it is too late! Let us represent worthily for once the foul brood to which a cruel fate consigned us! What do you say? (Estragon says nothing.) It is true that when with folded arms we weigh the pros and cons we are no less a credit to our species. The tiger bounds to the help of his congeners without the least reflection, or else he slinks away into the depths of the thickets. But that is not the question. What are we doing here, that is the question. And we are blessed in this, that we happen to know the answer.
“No, no, the room service is free as well.” “Thanks, Epsilon. You’re a lifesaver.” “I—I… Y-y-you’re too kind.” Epsilon hangs her head. She’s bright red from the ears down.
I was naive to think I had time. But I don't. I never did. "You...you saw...you saw..." My voice sounds like it's coming from underwater as my vision blurs with moisture.
Cenklerinde ulu kağanlar ve cebecilerin, Kılıç ve kargılar tasvir edemediği hiçbir erin, Baş veren başaklar kadar, uçsuz bucaksız, Sayısız eller ve denizlere düştüler başsız. Bahriye gürültüsüyle, doymaz obur ateşle, Tutuşan ekinler ve köyler ardında orduların, Yağmaların, yıkıntıların, cesetlere yakıtların, Kentlerin yapıldığı, hazinelerin ve
Mehmet Emin Alperen Kılıç

Mehmet Emin Alperen Kılıç

16 Aralık 2022 16:34
Kadim zamanlardı elbette Değil ekin için Veya öküz Ya da mülk Ruhların saadeti için Vuruşulan ve Kan dökülen Zamanlardı.
I began to listen with my eyes, and there is no way that your eyes don't affect your judgement. the only true way to listen is with your ears and your heart.
Malcolm Gladwell
Malcolm Gladwell
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