Evet, ben bu ihtimalin gerçek olmasını tercih ediyordum. Çünkü en ağır baskılar altında bile insanın kendini ifade etmek için mutlaka bir yol bulabileceğini düşünmek bana iyi geliyordu. Çünkü insan denilen varlıktan midem o kadar bulanmıştı ki buna ilaç olacak düşüncelere ihtiyacım vardı. Hastalığı geçirmeseler de bir süreliğine semptomu yok ediyor, en azından bulantıyı durduruyorlardı. Üstelik bu düşünce bir placebo değildi! Gerçekten de insan, konuşmasının yasak olduğu yerde çığlık atmanın bir yolunu mutlaka buluyordu.
Sayfa 198Kitabı okudu
A placebo cure is almost always temporary, and we are looking for permanent resolution of the pain. Therefore, we would not be satisfied with a placebo cure. This is all too common. People are administered a large variety of physical treatments, feel better for a few days, and then need another treatment. (And, of course, they never overcome their fear of physical activity.) One of the reasons I know the TMS program does not induce a placebo reaction is the fact that almost all patients have permanent resolution of symptoms. A second reason is that the placebo effect is based on blind faith; patients know little or nothing about the disorder they have and the rationale for treatment. They simply trust the treating practitioner. The educational program employed in the treatment of TMS is the very opposite. I teach patients literally all I know about the disorder; they are encouraged to ask questions, and they are warned that they must find the diagnosis logical and consistent. Their recovery depends on information, on awareness. They are active participants in the recovery process. This is anything but a placebo process. Perhaps the most compelling argument that what we do is not a placebo is the fact that on numerous occasions since the publication of the book Mind Over Back Pain, the predecessor of this one, people have reported complete and permanent resolution of pain simply by reading the book. There is no personality influence here, no bedside manner; just plain, solid information. And we have learned that that's what it takes to banish TMS.
Sayfa 109Kitabı okudu
Yet, unfortunately, some people believe we are as we are, and no mental practices can change us. So how do these people account for the placebo effect? All doctors know that a dummy pill, with nothing in it, will cure a substantial proportion of their patients.Yet, if there is nothing in the pill, what is curing them? Their be­ liefs are curing them. They improve because they believe they can. If beliefs can cure our body, they can surely help our spirit.
"multiple serious adverse events"
The FDA also ignored worrying data that revealed that twice as many people inthevaccine group had "multiple serious adverse events" compared to those given a placebo.
Sayfa 30 - What Doctors Don't Tell You - Australia/NZ - December/January 2023Kitabı okudu
Overall, the vaccinesare more than twice as likely to put you in the hospital than to protect you from a serious Covid infection. The vaccines' adverse events included death, hospital care, persistent and serious disability, and birth defects. The results are far from beingan outlier; Doshi's team pointed out that a team led by Christine Benn from the University of Southern Denmark has come up with similar findings. That team's research—which has also not been published or peer-reviewed— found no evidence that the mRNA vaccines saved lives; in their analysis, they discovered 31 deaths in vaccine groups and 30 in the placebo group, suggesting the vaccine didn't reduce death.
Sayfa 30 - What Doctors Don't Tell You - Australia/NZ - December/January 2023Kitabı okudu
“Placebo Domino in regione vivorum”
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