“Placebo Domino in regione vivorum”
Kore Savaşı'nda binlerce yaralı vardı, ama bunlara yetecek kadar morfin yoktu. Doktorlar ve hemşireler, hastalara şeker haplara şeker hapları verip, acılarının birazdan dineceğini söylemek zorunda kaldılar. Placebo alan askerlerin %25'inde, acının gerçekten azaldığı görüldü.
Sayfa 143Kitabı okudu
Placebo, aslında vücut üstünde hiçbir etkisi olmayan, şeker gibi bir haptır. Hastaya bunun ilaç olduğunu söylerseniz ve placebo genelde, daha büyük etki yaratmasa da ilaçla aynı etkiyi yaratır.
Sayfa 125 - ArtemisKitabı okudu
"multiple serious adverse events"
The FDA also ignored worrying data that revealed that twice as many people inthevaccine group had "multiple serious adverse events" compared to those given a placebo.
Sayfa 30 - What Doctors Don't Tell You - Australia/NZ - December/January 2023Kitabı okudu
Overall, the vaccinesare more than twice as likely to put you in the hospital than to protect you from a serious Covid infection. The vaccines' adverse events included death, hospital care, persistent and serious disability, and birth defects. The results are far from beingan outlier; Doshi's team pointed out that a team led by Christine Benn from the University of Southern Denmark has come up with similar findings. That team's research—which has also not been published or peer-reviewed— found no evidence that the mRNA vaccines saved lives; in their analysis, they discovered 31 deaths in vaccine groups and 30 in the placebo group, suggesting the vaccine didn't reduce death.
Sayfa 30 - What Doctors Don't Tell You - Australia/NZ - December/January 2023Kitabı okudu
Yet, unfortunately, some people believe we are as we are, and no mental practices can change us. So how do these people account for the placebo effect? All doctors know that a dummy pill, with nothing in it, will cure a substantial proportion of their patients.Yet, if there is nothing in the pill, what is curing them? Their be­ liefs are curing them. They improve because they believe they can. If beliefs can cure our body, they can surely help our spirit.
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