Ne Okusam?
Giriş Yap
Somewhere along the way, his laughter changes, deepening until he’s not laughing but sobbing. I lay in his arms, feeling even more awkward and uncomfortable than I did before. I don’t know what I expected when I saved him, but I don’t think it was this. The third horseman of the apocalypse is having a mental breakdown right next to me. The sound is awful, his shoulders heaving with each sob.
"We set a fire," I say, in wonder. "We didn't sob and bleed; we did something instead. We made a change." "Kind of," says Mirren. "Are you kidding? We burned that fucking place to the ground."
Sayfa 179Kitabı okudu
As a strangled sob tears out of my mouth, I attempt a frantic scramble off Garrett’s lap, but his arms tighten around me, one hand tangling in my hair to bring my head closer. I bury my face in his neck, trembling wildly as tears slide down my cheeks in salty waves. “Hey, come on, don’t cry,” he begs. “It breaks my fucking heart to hear you cry.”
Polislik Zanaâti
Gün içinde havuzdan plaja, plajdan bara gidiyor, ama ne yaparsa yapsın, aynı görüntüler, aynı saplantılı düşünceler aklına geliyordu: Sob'un kurbanlarının sessiz çığlıkları, Akhtar'ın iğrençlikleri, Sophie'nin sapkınca oyunları, Helene'in morg geceleri, suyun dibindeki Marco'nun balıklarca didiklenmiş gri vücudu... Söylenenin tam tersine, polisler asla unutmazdı, hatta hatıraları onların çalışmalarının ana malzemesi olurdu; bir polis her zaman zihninde geçmiş ile bugün arasında bir sentez oluşturur, sürekli olarak yeni bir vakanın verilerini geçmiş vakaların verileriyle karşılaştırırdı...
Sayfa 288 - Doğan Kitap YayıneviKitabı okudu
“I’m not the best at flowery language, so I’ll keep it simple.” Fuck, was my voice shaking? I hoped not. “I never believed in love. Never wanted it. I didn’t see the practical value and, to be honest, I was doing just fine without it. But then I met you. Your smile, your strength, your intelligence and compassion. Even your stubbornness and hardheadedness. You filled a part of my soul I always thought would be empty, and you healed scars I never knew existed. And I realized…it’s not that I didn’t believe in love before. It’s that I was saving it all for you.” A half sob bled through the hand pressed to Bridget’s mouth. I took a deep breath. “Bridget, will you marry me?”
408 syf.
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Məxfi Şöbə Ələmdar Məlikov Gültən Dəmirli
Vətən Müharibəmizdə Qəhrəmanliqla Doyusub dusmene qan uddurub Qehremanca Şəhdlik zirvesinə ucalan Qəhrəman Şəhidlərimizin Allahin Rehmeti uzerinde olsun Şəhidlərimizin mekanlari cennet ruhlari şad olsun Deyerli yazarimiz #Elxan Elatlinin qələmə aldiği 44 Günlük Veten Müharibəmizdə Fəxrimiz Milli Qəhrəmanimiz Senger Genralimiz Polad Həşimovumuzun Qəhrəmanimiz Polkovnikimiz İlqar Mirzeyevimizin onlarla birlikde Qehremanliqla doyuşub Şəhid olan Zabitlerimizin Əsger qardaslarimizin əziz xatiresine hörmətlə ithaf edilir #AlternativƏməliyyat Cebhe Xetinde elecede bakida bezi xain dusmenlerle mubarize aparan Qehremanlarimiz sonda Qalib gelir Allah Qazilerimize Şəfa versin Amin Allah dusmenle uzbe uz dayanan sengerde olan Əsger Zabitlerimizi Qorusun İnsallah Xidmetlerini basa vurubv sağ salamat evlerine dönsunler Qəhrəman atalarima Qehreman Anlarima qardaşlarima bacilarima Şəhid aile uzvulerimize hemise deyirem Deyerli Elxan Elatli Yazarimizin oxuculari Əgər biz bu gün Müqəddəs ana veten Bu Topraqda yaşiyiriqsa Göydə Allah Yerde Cenab Prezdentimiz Ali Baş Komandanimiz İlham Əliyev Şəhidlərimizə Qazilərimizə borcluyuq Şəhidlərimiz Qazilerimiz öz Müqeddes Valdeyinlerini Atalarini Analarini bacilarini qardaşlarini heyat yoldaşlarini övladlarini bizlere emanet edib Ana Vetenimizi Yaği duşmenden Azad etdiler ve Qehremanca Şəhidlik zirvesine ucaldilar Bu dünyamizi yox axiretimizi düşûnmeliyik biz o biri dunyada Şəhidlərimizin üzünə nece baxaciq onlari tebliğ edib tanimiriqsa tanidirmiriqsa yaşamaq Haram olsun bize unutmariq unutdurmariq
Alternativ Əməliyyat
Alternativ ƏməliyyatElxan Elatlı · Teas Press · 0145 okunma
Roald , sob kitabını yazdıktan birkaç ay sonra Oxford'daki hastaneye kaldırıldı.  23 kasım 1990 'da tam 74 yaşında vefat etti.
Sayfa 214Kitabı okudu
Chapter 25
You live in a haze, cool and blue, light with anger, heavy with melancholy. You live at a peace in which you are unmoving. You live as a version less than yourself. You sob often, suffocating wherever you go. You are hiding yourself. You are running, stuck in place. You are scared and heavy.
"Kit, Kit. I'm afraid, but it's not only that. Kit, all these years I've been living for you. I didn't know it, and now I do. I do know it! But now you're going away." He tried to roll over and lie on top of her arm, he clutched her hand always tighter. "I'm not!" She cried. His legs moved spasmodically. "I'm right here!" she shouted, even louder, trying to imagine how her voice sounded to him, whirling down his own dark halls toward chaos. And as he lay still for a while, breathing violently, she began to think: "He says it's more than just being afraid. But it isn't. He's never lived for me. Never. Never." (...) "But Kit," he said softly. They looked at each other. She made a slight motion with her head, letting it fall onto his chest. Even as he glanced down at her, her first sob came up, and the first cleared the passage for the others. He closed his eyes again, and for a moment had the illusion of holding the world in his arms, a warm world all tropics, lashed by storm. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no," he said. It was all he had the strength to say. But even if he had been able to say more, still he would have said only: "No, no, no, no."
“Pain can be beautiful,” he says, exhaling a cloud of smoke. “It can transform. It can create.” “But I don’t want to be in pain,” says Henry hoarsely. “I want—” “You want to be loved.” A small, empty sound, half cough, half sob. “Yes.” “Then be loved.” “You make it sound simple.” “It is,” says the stranger. “If you’re willing to pay.”
Part 4 - Chapter IIKitabı okudu
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