Ne Okusam?
Giriş Yap
324 syf.
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34 saatte okudu
I don't know how to describe a book that is both open and symbolic. I think that's the power of the dystopian genre: being able to live without telling. The story that is being created on the grounds of depopulation is based on the use of women as tools, just like a commodity, for the purpose of increasing the population. The fiction is extraordinary, terrifying and detailed. That was the first thing that accelerated my reading and connected me to the book. But that's not what I found most impressive. What caught my attention, he insisted, were the stages of transition. It can never be easy to put a society into a different configuration, a different order at once. This is like Ember, for it is, something that happens over time. I think those words sum up enough.. "Nothing changes at once: you'll be scalded to death in a hot tub before you know it. There were stories in the newspapers, of course, bodies found in ditches or in forests, beaten to death or mutilated, attacked as they used to say; but these were about other women, and the men who did them were other men. None of them were men we knew. Newspaper stories were like dreams for us, bad dreams for others. We used to say, ' how terrible they were, but they were terrible, beyond belief.' They were overly melodramatic, they had a dimension that didn't belong in our lives." In this "wonderful" life, where everything is gradually manipulated, free and free, we are most often in a time and order that allows one to live their own self-dystopian lives with tyrannical, unwelcome responsibilities. The book I read
The Handmaid's Tale
The Handmaid's TaleMargaret Atwood · Vintage Classics · 201711bin okunma
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Uncle Tom's Cabin
 Tom Uncle’s Cabin was written in 1850 by Harriet Beecher Stowe and was published in 1852. This book articulates nineteenth-century America's shameful attitude to slavery, the horrors of slavery, its contradictions to human nature, its moral and religious fallacy.  The author tackles slavery as a problem for whites and prioritizes the
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Uncle Tom's CabinHarriet Beecher Stowe · Wordsworth · 01,744 okunma
176 syf.
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29 günde okudu
Kitabın dili ve biraz da araştırma ödevimle alakalı olduğu için bu inceleme İngilizce olacak, umarım sonrasında güzel bir inceleme daha yazabilirim, tabi ki Türkçe olarak... Ilgilisine ve meraklısına güzel ve açıklayıcı bir özet şeklinde bir inceleme olduğunu düşünüyorum. (Özet derken... Sanırım o kadar da özet değil. :’) ) Şunu da belirtmek
İnsanın Anlam Arayışı
İnsanın Anlam ArayışıViktor E. Frankl · Okuyan Us Yayın · 202335,3bin okunma
9/10 puan verdi
Ordinary people who work hard to make a living have their own dreams and hope to live by their own hands. They face difficulties, solve problems, hold hope, and finally get rewards
İnsan Neyle Yaşar?
İnsan Neyle Yaşar?Lev Tolstoy · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 2019191,3bin okunma
346 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Breaking Human Nature : Frankissstein and Sexbots
Jeanette Winterson is a flourishing writer who has numerous prizes for instance John Llewellyn Rhys Prize, Whitbread Prize, a BAFTA Award, E. M. Forster Award, the St. Louis Literary Award, also Lambda Literary Award. Frankissstein by Jeanette Winterson is written in 2019 and it is a postmodernist novel that giving a sense of re-writing
FrankisssteinJeanette Winterson · Jonathan Cape Books · 201963 okunma
80 syf.
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7 günde okudu
Stefan Zweig-Chess Undoubtedly Stefan Zweig is one of the writers who reflects human emotions and handles them deeply. I can say that after reading Metamorphosis (I mentioned it to everyone and made a review of ), I couldn’t escape from its influence, and cannot still. It mentioned the value of human beings. It emphasized Gregor himself. Franz
ChessStefan Zweig · Literart Yayınları · 2018237bin okunma
368 syf.
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'Postcolonial' has emerged as a trend in literary and cultural research in search of addressing cultural conditions specific to newly independent societies. Its aim was primarily to demonstrate and subvert the cultural and psychological dimensions of colonial rule, recognizing that internal subjugation continued even long after the
Hindistan'a Bir Geçit
Hindistan'a Bir GeçitE. M. Forster · İletişim Yayınevi · 2009299 okunma
72 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
3 günde okudu
I hope this reaches you in time
you are more than just a body count you are more than just a conquest you are more than just a name on the list of hearts #148376689 I hope this reaches her in time is a nice poetry book written by R.H. Sin. It consists of short but impressive poems and these poems tell the story of a woman's heartbreak.. However,
I Hope This Reaches Her in Time
I Hope This Reaches Her in TimeR. H. Sin · CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform · 201710 okunma
176 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
1 saatte okudu
Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life
"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way." In this book, the term ikigai is translated as the bliss of always being busy. Ikigai is actually a combination of your passion, your mission and your profession. This book answers some basic questions as to why some people keep doing what they have been doing for years tirelessly even though it's the same things over and over again, say, actors, writers, bloggers, artists and so on. Why do some people never get bored or frustrated repeating doing the same things over and over again? Now, I know this book is overhyped and a lot of us have high expectations from it. While I think the book is more about answering the basic question which we most of the time overlook. Also, it provides a ten-point compressed rule of ikigai: 1. Stay active; don’t retire. 2. Take it slow. 3. Don’t fill your stomach. 4. Surround yourself with good friends. 5. Get in shape for your next birthday. 6. Smile 7. Reconnect with nature. 8. Give thanks. 9. Live in the moment. 10. Follow your ikigai. Overall, this book is truly uplifting. I was intrigued by the simplicity and calming tone it offers, and it captured my attention till the end. The book unleashes the Japanese Zen philosophy, inspiring the readers to search and discover. I highly recommend it, I read it in English, its language is easy
İkigaiBettina Lemke · 20201,654 okunma
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Taking The “Home” To The Road
Undoubtedly, J.R.R. Tolkien bequeathed a masterpiece to the entire literary world; The Lord of the Rings trilogy. The Fellowship of the Ring is the first book of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, which begins in an inland area in the northwest of Middle Earth that has fallen into oblivion; The Shire. This is the home of the Hobbits who live in peace
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Fellowship of the RingJ. R. R. Tolkien · Harper Collins · 200918,6bin okunma
98 öğeden 1 ile 15 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.