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18 günde okudu
Gəlin səssizliyin zincirlərini qıraq…
Həqiqəti söyləməyin sizə hər şeyin bahasına başa gəldiyi bir dünya təsəvvür edin. Vaclav Havelin bu siyasi essedə araşdırdığı realıqda məhz budur. Havel öz ölkəsində əsərləri qadağan edilmiş beynəlxalq şöhrətli çex dramaturq idi. Və “Gücsüzlərin gücü” əsərini yazarkən, daimi təqib və nəzarətlər altında idi… Başlamadan öncə qeyd edimki siyasətlə
The Power of Powerless
The Power of PowerlessVáclav Havel · Vintage Classics · 20181 okunma
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12 Rules for Life
• “Stand up straight with your shoulders back.” • “Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping.” • “Make friends with people who want the best for you.” • “Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.” • “Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them.” • “Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world.” • “Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient).” • “Tell the truth – or, at least, don’t lie.” • “Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t.” • “Be precise In Your Speech.” • “Do not bother children while they are skateboarding.” • “Pet a cat when you encounter one in the street.”
Jordan B. Peterson
Jordan B. Peterson
12 Rules for Life
12 Rules for LifeJordan B. Peterson · Random House Canada · 2018101 okunma
248 syf.
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The universe is a joke. Even before I was shown the meaning of life in a dream at 17 (then promptly forgot it because I thought I smelled pancakes), I knew this to be true--and yet, I have always felt a need to search for the truth, that nebulous, ill-treated creature. Adams has always been, to me, to be a welcome companion in that
Otostopçunun Galaksi Rehberi
Otostopçunun Galaksi RehberiDouglas Adams · Alfa Yayıncılık · 20207,4bin okunma
252 syf.
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Darwin wrote this book in 1872. It's interesting to compare what he wrote about then with what his successor theorists write about today. In contrast to today’s emphasis on universals (e.g., humans are this or not this or that), Darwin notes throughout this book that individuals have a wide variability in physical, emotional, and mental
İnsanın Türeyişi
İnsanın TüreyişiCharles Darwin · Evrensel Basım Yayın · 2015722 okunma
456 syf.
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This is a powerful book by a truly insightful author. I recently read Harari's previous great book, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, and I enjoyed this one just as much. There is so much packed into Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, that it is hard to do justice to the book in a review. Yuval Harari has such a unique insight into
Homo Deus: Yarının Kısa Bir Tarihi
Homo Deus: Yarının Kısa Bir TarihiYuval Noah Harari · Kolektif Kitap · 201712,1bin okunma
280 syf.
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Philip K. Dick's 10th novel, "The Game-Players of Titan," was originally released in 1963 as an Ace paperback (F-251, for all the collectors out there), with a cover price of a whopping 40 cents. His follow-up to the Hugo Award-winning "The Man in the High Castle," it was one of six novels that Phil saw published from
Titanlı Oyuncular
Titanlı OyuncularPhilip K. Dick · Alfa Yayıncılık · 201844 okunma
296 syf.
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12 günde okudu
"İnsanın zorbalık ve baskıya karşı son çare olarak başkaldırmak zorunda kalmaması için, insan haklarının hukukun egemenliğiyle korunmasının önemli olduğunu, bu Evrensel İnsan Hakları Bildirgesi ilan eder..." İnsan Hakları Evrensel Bildirisi, Birleşmiş Milletler İnsan Hakları Komisyonu'nun Haziran 1948'de hazırladığı ve birkaç
Evrensel İnsan Hakları
Evrensel İnsan HaklarıHasan İlhan · ‎Alter Yayıncılık · 20152 okunma
384 syf.
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Marshall Bruce Mathers III ( Eminem Yada Slim Shady )
Marshall Bruce Mathers III 17 Ekim 1972, meşhur olduğu sahne adıyla Eminem ya da ikinci kişiliği Slim Shady, Akademi ve Grammy ödüllü Amerikalı rapçi, yapımcı ve aktördür. ********************************************************************** Doğumundan kısa bir süre sonra babası ailesini terketti. Yirmisine gelene kadar annesiyle birlikte göçebe
EminemSabri Kaliç · Stüdyo İmge Yayınları · 200319 okunma
107 syf.
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What’s it about? A guide to identify your strengths
Discover your strengths, and build an action plan. Take a moment to think about your strengths. Don’t worry if you can’t readily identify them. Most people can’t – and those who think they can are often quite wrong. The reverse is also true: many of us think we know exactly what we’re not good at. But more often than not, we’re wrong about that
Managing Oneself
Managing OneselfPeter F. Drucker · Harvard Business Review Press · 20174 okunma
626 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
15 günde okudu
Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre
have a happy or a sad ending? The common experience of this much loved novel is to weep while reading the final chapter. Are we crying with happiness, because Jane and Rochester are together at last? Or with pity-for them or for ourselves-because he is blind and maimed? Of course, it's not impossible that we are crying strictly on our own behalf, because the tale has to end, and we'll have to part from Jane. Jane Eyre is one of the best known, most closely read and written about works in the Western canon. Some say it is a romance; others call it a mythic quest or the first romantic novel with female narrator. Speaking of Jane I'd like to give some explanation of our narrator's character Jane. Well.. Jane is nothing if not a rebel. She won't lie even if lies would smooth her progress. From the moment we meet her, she is struggling against the injustice of her lot, and she refuses to be convinced that humility is her only option. In many ways she is the first modern heroine in fiction. Jane seems to be possessed of the greatest treasure a woman can have: self-respect. I am sure everyone who reads the novel would be amazed by Jane's character as I was too. Before coming to the end of this description I will also mention the themes this novels deals with; 'morality' (Jane refuses to marry Rochester when she learns that he is already married) 'gender relations' ( she struggles against the Victorian patriarchal society) 'social mobility' and 'religion' Jane Eyre is one of the first feminist heroines in the British fiction and the novel might be considered as a manifesto of feminism. I hope this description will be helpful to all of you especially to those studying English l & l.
Jane Eyre
Jane EyreCharlotte Brontë · Can Yayınları · 202031,1bin okunma
655 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Wizard's first rule: people are stupid; they want to believe, so they do.
People are stupid; they can only rarely tell the difference between a lie and the truth, and yet they are confident they can, and so are all the easier to fool.
Büyücünün İlk Kuralı
Büyücünün İlk KuralıTerry Goodkind · Oğlak Yayınları · 200325 okunma
256 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
1 saatte okudu
Çok güzel kitapları olduğu halde Türkçeye çevrilen sadece bir kitabı (Karanlık Yalanlar) olan yazarımızın yine çok başarılı, gerilim yüklü bir kitabını okudum. Seri katilli gerilim sevenlerin seveceğini düşünüyorum bu kitabı. Kısaca bahsedeyim size: Dr. Gwen Moore, şiddete eğilimli hastaları olan bir psikiyatrist. Seçtiği alan gereği şiddet
The Good Lie
The Good LieA. R. Torre · 20214 okunma
128 syf.
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It was a work that should not be read with a tired mind in the late hours, thankfully it is a work that should be read again and again, even if it is read with a calm mind. It would be a lie if we said that he did not go out of the Godot framework and often scatter mana deluges over Didi and Gogo. See you again and again over the years, maybe then we'll ring in Lucky and Pozzo's ears too..
Waiting for Godot
Waiting for GodotSamuel Beckett · Faber and Faber · 20108bin okunma
32 öğeden 1 ile 15 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.