Despite his many faults, the motivation that awaited him back home turned him into a miracle-maker at times.
I didn’t care who I hurt. I’ve never needed something in return for hurting anyone, and I didn’t need motivation to inflict pain. I was built full of rage.
I had no motivation to stay in the physical world. Didn't matter if I was there or not. When I realized that I had no fear of getting rid of my body. Now I can be wherever I want to be.
Her orman yangını sonra­sında inatçı bir ot gibi tekrar filizlenelim...
Sayfa 259 - Cixin LiuKitabı okudu
Abraham Maslow
Zamanının çoğunu, kütüphanede kitaplara gömülmüş vaziyette geçiriyordu. New York City College'de hukuk okudu. Daha sonra psikolojiye merak saldı ve Wisconsin Üniversitesi'ne geçti. 1937'de Brooklyn Kolej'inde eğitim vermeye başladı. Maslow 1943'te ilk olarak "İnsan Motivasyonu Teorisi/A Theory of Human Motivation” makalesinde, hiyerarşisinden bahsetti. ihtiyaçlar
Motivation factors
So, what are the things that will truly, deeply satisfy us, the factors that will cause us to love our jobs ? These are what Herzberg's research calls motivators. Motivation factors includes challenging work, recognition, responsibility, and personal growth. Feeling that you re making a meaningful contribution to work arise from intrinsic conditions of the work itself.
Sayfa 34
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