Ne Okusam?
Giriş Yap
Kendini gözle. Kim olduğunu bul! Kalabalık içinde bir 'ben' olmak, gerçek dışı, kaçışı olmayan, kendi kendine yarattığın sahte inançlar ve yalanlar sisteminin tuzağına düşmek demektir. Lack of unity leaves man in the prison of ignorance, fear and selfdestruction, and causes illness, degradation, violence, cruelty and wars in the outer world. Bir bütün içinde olmamanın eksikliği, insanı cehalet, korku ve kendi kendini imha etmeye mahkûm eder ve onu hastalıklara, çöküşe, saldırganlığa, acımasızlığa ve dış dünyada savaşmaya kadar götürür. Dünya, senin onu düşlediğin gibidir; o bir aynadır. Dışarıda kendi dünyanı bulursun, yarattığın, düşlediğin dünyayı. Dışarıda kendini bul! Git ve kim olduğunu gör... Diğerlerinin, senin içinde taşıdığın yalanın, uzlaşmanın, cehaletinin yansıyan görüntüleri olduğunu keşfedeceksin... Değiş... ki dünya değişsin. Beter bir dünya yaratıyorsun, sonra da kendi yarattığın şeyden, kendi eserinden dehşete düşüyorsun. Dünyanın nesnel olduğunu düşünüyorsun... oysa dünya senin onu düşlediğin gibidir. Git, dünyaya gir ve bunları kabullen... Kendi içindeki yoksullarla, zorbalarla, toplum dışına atılmışlarla tanış. Onları kabullen! Sakın onları görmezden gelme ve sakın suçlama. Dünyana teslim ol. Git ve yarattığın şeyi bilinçli olarak kabullen: bir dünya, sabit, cahil bir dünya... ölü. Bir kişinin gücü, kendine sahip olmasında ve aynı zamanda kendisine teslim olmasında yatar.
This one time when it’s peaceful outside, and you’re seeing things move, and you don’t want to, and everyone is asleep. And all the books you’ve read have been read by other people. And all the songs you’ve loved have been heard by other people. And that girl that’s pretty to you is pretty to other people. And you know that if you looked at these facts when you were happy, you would feel great because you are describing “unity.”
Sayfa 95 - Simon & SchusterKitabı okudu
The Constitution recognizes the principle of centralization and decentralization as a basis for the organization and functions of public administration. As a consequence of certain historical developments, however, centralism has far more weight in practice. The units of local administration are subject to the control of the central administration exercised through the power of "tutelage" (idari vesayet). Tutelage is regarded as a means by which the unity and indivisibility of the administration is guaranteed. One may argue that the extent of tutelage in its present form is excessive and therefore constitutes an undue burden on local administration. It should be mentioned, however, that despite these difficulties local administrations have developed considerably during recent decades.
Intihar girişimi başarısız oldu ama kurşun kafasından çıkarılamadı
Unity Milford'un kaderi trajikti .. __benim iki vatanım var ..diyordu . Vatanlarından biri diğerine savaş ilan edince .. 1939 yılında Munih'te ,English Garten'de bir bankın üstünde şakağına bir kurşun sıkarak intihar etmek istedi..
I guess what I'm saying is that this all feels very familiar. But it's not mine to be familiar about. I just know that another kid has felt this. This one time when it's peaceful outside, and you're seeing things move, and you don't want to, and everyone is asleep. And all the books you've read have been read by other people. And all the songs you've loved have been heard by other people. And that girl that's pretty to you is pretty to other people. And you know that if you looked at these facts when you were happy, you would feel great because you are describing "unity." It's like when you are excited about a girl and you see a couple holding hands, and you feel so happy for them. And other times you see the same couple, and they make you so mad. And all you want is to always feel happy for them because you know that if you do, then it means that you're happy, too.
Sayfa 103Kitabı okudu
Communication takes place on 'two planes': on one the linguistic message is encoded; and on the other are factors which influence the linguistic message. On the conscious plane, the learner attends to the language; on the subconscious plane, the music suggests that learning is easy and pleasant. When there is a unity between conscious and subconscious, learning is enhanced.
Stalin raised a toast: “We will mercilessly destroy anyone who, by his deeds or his thoughts—yes, his thoughts!—threatens the unity of the socialist state. To the complete destruction of all enemies, themselves and their kin!”
Hareketsiz yatıyor, soluğu sığ ve sessiz, kopuk dünyadan. Unity uyuyor.
Group Dynamics
All positive feelings tend to strengthen the illusion of group unity. All the negative feelings are projected onto some individual, who is gradually isolated from the group and made a scapegoat. Little by little, through this illusionary phenomenon, the group ego replaces the individual ego of the follower. At the same time, the paternal image of the guru becomes the ideal of the follower.
Cult Psycho-Dynamics
The cohesion of the cult is ensured by the unity of the speech, which represents a new symbolic law, voluntarily followed or unanimously imposed. Membership in the cult is accompanied by the symbolic, ritual and imaginary building of a new family for the disciple, where he nestles with his brothers and sisters in the love of the mother, under the law of the father.
The rigor of the cult standard tends to create a behavioral and psychological uniformity that goes hand in hand with the suppression of the usual social comparisons. This is why the general problems of conditioning rest on the rule of conformity, which is imposed on all the cult members. Whereas society tolerates (to some extent, depending to the degree of democratic expression) minorities’ expressions, the cult cannot accept in its midst the sprouting of any individualistic ideology or feeling. Indeed, while defining itself in terms of counter-culture, it cannot allow the development of thoughts different from those of the guru, since such thoughts would be likely to sunder its unity. An individual is traditionally subject to two types of dependence: on the one hand, an informational dependence that leads him to seek information from the outside, to develop his capacities of judgment, to establish a synthesis and to draw conclusions; in addition, a normative dependence that encourages him to accept the group’s rule without wondering about its validity, since it is an obligatory condition of joining the group. How well an individual fits into a group depends on the balance that is established between these two forms of dependence. In the case of the cult, the desire for outside information is voluntarily suspended, since that is a critical factor for the coherence of the group. By contrast, the normative dependence is pushed to the extreme and prohibits any mental or practical initiative. The cult group “exerts a pressure toward uniformity,” in the words of Festinger.
Sayfa 138Kitabı okudu
Although the concept of society is often used to refer to a nation, they are different concepts. The concept of nation is a political category, and refers to a pretended unity which involves official recognition. As a political category, a nation cannot subsist on its own; nations generally subsist through the agency of their states. Society, on the other hand, is a praxis, which is established by mutually bounded social relations. Societies are not political units; they are not administered by the politicians. Societies administer themselves, they can subsist on their own, they do not need any agency. (...) Every nation is a society, but not every society is a nation. Society is not the totality of people; it is the totality of the mutual relationships among a community of people who share a specific territory, a specific culture and common social institutions.
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