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1984George Orwell
8.6/10 · 165,3bin okunma
Çünkü yalnızlık anılarını ayıklamış , yaşamın yüreğinde biriktirdiği özlem dolu süprüntüleri yakmış,geriye en acı anıları bırakarak onları arıtmış , büyütmüş,sonsuzlaştırmıştı.
Sayfa 248Kitabı okudu
464 syf.
7/10 puan verdi
41 günde okudu
Yüzyıllık Yalnızlık
Yüzyıllık YalnızlıkGabriel Garcia Marquez
8/10 · 36,1bin okunma

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Zihin Kütüphanesi
Zihin KütüphanesiAnıl Şahal
6.8/10 · 21 okunma
Günah ve erdem diye birşey yok.Herkes yapıyor bunları,hepsi aynı şeyin parçaları.İnsanların kimi bunu güzel görünür biçimde yapıyor kimi ise gözlerine yüzlerine bulaştırıyor.Ama işte bundan fazlasını söylemeye hiç kimsenin hakkı yok Casey.
556 syf.
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12 günde okudu
The Grapes Of Wrath
The Grapes of Wrath is an important work by John Steinbeck, who also lived in that period and describes the period of economic depression.The book focuses on realism and also it hosts various emotion like disappointment ,racism ,status and endless hopes . After 1st world war economic crises emerges which effects the world and starts money crises.Labor falls and people always emigrates from Any place to any place .This book is exactly like this. A family ,who divests of their field ,immigrates with the hope of finding a job and there is no end this .Despite ongoing challenges ,they don't give up and the difficult journey of life continues because they are people and slave. wherease banks are machine and boss.
Gazap Üzümleri
Gazap Üzümleri
John Steinbeck
John Steinbeck
Gazap Üzümleri
Gazap ÜzümleriJohn Steinbeck · Sel Yayınları · 202035,1bin okunma
160 syf.
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9 günde okudu
Aylak Adam
Character C, the main character of the book, loses his mother at the age of 1. His aunt Zehra takes care of him and he feels her aunt's attention and guidance. His father is a rich and flirtatious man. He doesn't love his father and even waits for him to die .While after seeing her aunt and her father in an inappropriate moment, her father hits the ear hard and this creates a great trauma in the idle man in the coming years.Character C does not enjoy paper bags either. When he comes home for dinner, which is repeated every day, the paper bags he takes home seem like a boring, static symbol of marriage. His indifference towards women is also inherited from his father. He searches for someone like his aunt Zehra throughout his life. He searches for a hold, he searches for the meaning of life in a woman, and this is how our character sets off.. Character C, who is disappointed in the women who came into his life at different times and in different places, notices character B, whom he knew a little before. If he had followed her path a long time ago, this story would have already ended. He sees her once again, but just as he chases after her, B disappears into the crowd. The idle man remains alone and devoid of love in the crowd.
Aylak Adam
Aylak AdamYusuf Atılgan · Yapı Kredi Yayınları · 201759,6bin okunma
Aynı yemekle besleniyoruz, aynı silahlarla yararlanıyoruz . Aynı hastalıklara yakalanıyoruz,aynı şekilde iyileşiyoruz.Aynı yaz ve kışla ısınıp üşüyoruz. Bizi keserseniz kanamaz mıyız Şaka yaparsanız gülmez miyiz Bizi zehirlerseniz ölmez miyiz Ve bize zarar verirseniz intikam almaz mıyız?
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İngiliz Edebiyatı Tarihi - I
İngiliz Edebiyatı Tarihi - IMina Urgan
9/10 · 20 okunma
645 öğeden 1 ile 15 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.