Do you mind if I ask you a question or two, Mr Frog?
"Mutual understanding is of critical importance. There are those who say that 'understanding' is merely the sum of total of our misunderstandings, and while I do find this view interesting in its own way, I'm afraid that we have no time to spare on pleasant digressions. The best thing would be for us to achieve mutual understanding via the shortest possible route. Therefore, by all means, ask as many questions as you wish."
Sayfa 84 - Vintage Books, Mr Frog
CSI, ilk kez 2000 yılında gösterildi. Las Vegas polis teşkilatında görevli bir dizi hayali olay yeri inceleme uzmanı, her bölüm bir cinayeti çözmekteler. Bu yoldaki çalışmaları, olay yerinden delil toplamakla başlıyor, delillerin incelemesini, sorguyu onlar yaptığı gibi, suçluları da onlar tutukluyor. CSI 'ın başarısı, 2002'de "CSI: Miami", 2004'te "CSI: New York" adıyla iki "spin-off"unun piyasaya çıkmasına yol açtı. Son 10 yıldır reyting listelerinde hep liste başı olan bu diziler, başkalarına da ilham oldu. Dolayısıyla CSI etkisinden söz ettiğimizde sadece onları değil, American Justice, Bones, Cold Case, Cold Case Files, Cold Squad, Criminal Minds, Crossing Jordan, Forensic Files, NCIS, Numb3rs, The Secrets of Forensic Science, Waking the Dead, Wire in the Blood ve Without a Trace gibi dizilerden söz ediyoruz.
‘You’re a traitor!’ yelled the boy. ‘You’re a thought-criminal! You’re a Eurasian spy! I’ll shoot you, I’ll vaporize you, I’ll send you to the salt mines!’
In August 1960, the NUC carried out a major purge of the military forces. More than 5000 officers were dismissed. Among them were 235 generals, out of 245 then serving, including the Chief of General Staff Ragıp Gümüşpala. Consequently, most of these officers became critical of the Government. Gümüşpala, while in the army, had stated that if one day he entered political life, he would certainly join İsmet İnönü's political party (RPP). But, after having been dismissed from the army, he changed his mind. He talked in İzmir to Mehmet Yorgancıoğlu (who was active in the founding of the JP) and proposed to participate in the establishment of a new party which would be a continuation of the DP.
Sayfa 136Kitabı okudu
Who Joins Cults? - Yes, You
Nevertheless, the fact remains that even apart from unsettling socioeconomic conditions and certain relevant family factors, any person who is in a vulnerable state, seeking companionship and a sense of meaning or in a period of transition or time of loss, is a good prospect for cult recruitment. Although most contemporary cults primarily recruit young adults, preferably single, some—especially the neo-Christian cults—seek entire families, and even the elderly are targets for some groups. What do the cults offer to lonely, depressed or uncertain persons? In one form of another, each cult purports to offer an improved state of mind, an expanded state of being, and a moral, spiritual, or political state of righteous certainty. That supposedly beneficial state can be reached only by following the narrowly prescribed pathways of a particular group master, guru, or trainer. To grasp that approach to life, the new recruit—the babe, the preemie, the trial member, the spiritual god-child, the lower consiousness one, as certain groups label the beginner—must surrender his or her critical mind, must yield to the flow of force, must have childlike trust and faith.
Sayfa 20
The personal life of the follower is brought back to the supervisor, who determines the contents of the following session. These documents constitute a centerpiece of Scientologic constraint, for they are confessions that could be used against a subject who might try to escape the influence of the cult. While the sessions themselves take on a serious and highly technical air, they contain a mass of information that binds the subject to the organization. The moral influence that they hold is nothing compared to the power the subject gives them through these sessions, both consciously and unconsciously. Instruments of permanent denouncement within the cult, they can become tools of blackmail in the outside world, for they contain the individual’s past, his fantasies and phobias, his errors, his bad habits, criminal background involving himself and his associates inside or outside of the cult. These reports can be also turned against their superiors. During an investigation of one Scientologist’s residence, the police discovered a letter from a member, addressed to the leaders, in which he admitted to having obeyed their orders. 16 [Author’s note: He acknowledged having conducted surveillance on me, and having sent numerous pieces of mail to me.]
Sayfa 212Kitabı okudu
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