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Adam iç çekti ve sordu. "Solo voi due? " "Sadece ikiniz misiniz? "
184 syf.
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31 günde okudu
/The Aspect of Phenomenology for Every Character/ Shakespeare is the most famous playwright and poet and Hamlet was masterfully written by him in the golden era of Elizabethan theatre. The play begins with the murder of Hamlet’s father. Throughout the play, the main purpose of characters is to revenge each other. Meanwhile, we can observe the
HamletWilliam Shakespeare · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 202044,8bin okunma
Però lei sa la verità Non è per tutti andare avanti Con il cuore che è diviso in due metà È freddo già È una bambina però sente come un peso E prima o poi si spezzerà La gente dirà, "Non vale niente" Non riesce neanche a uscire da una misera porta Ma un giorno, una volta, lei ci riuscirà
~ Herkes aşık olunca acı çekiyor, iç geçiriyor, gözyaşı döküyor ve zavallı hayallerin peşine düşüyor madem, bizim elimizden de bir şey gelmez. Gerçek aşıklar bu acıları çekmeye mahkumlar madem, o zaman biz de birbirimize sabırlı olmayı öğretelim. ~ If, then, true lovers have been ever crost, It stands as an edict in destiny: Then let us teach our trial patience, Because it is a customary cross, As due to love as thoughts, and dreams, and sighs, Wishes, and tears, poor fancy's followers.
the summary of my school life :/
Due to my constant daydreaming and struggles following spoken instructions, I had a lot of trouble with learning. (Woman with autism)
704 syf.
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Raskolnikov, a former student grappling with poverty in the bustling city of St. Petersburg, is confronted with a complex moral dilemma that sets the course for his actions. He becomes fixated on the notion that individuals of extraordinary caliber possess a unique prerogative to transgress societal norms, embracing a somewhat convoluted
Suç ve Ceza
Suç ve CezaFyodor Dostoyevski · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 2022159,1bin okunma
Even with open uterine tubes, there is no guarantee that a fertilized egg always makes it into the tube. In fact, many times these fertilized eggs remain in the abdominal cavity and attach to tissue other than inside of the uterus. This can be the outside of the uterine tube itself, in which case these are often referred to as tubal pregnancies. However, any tissue can be a target for the implanting embryo, which use enzymes to attach to anything. These are often discovered due to intense abdominal pain and may lead to removal of portions of the reproductive tract if too much damage has already been caused.
Ectopic Pregnancy.
178 syf.
5/10 puan verdi
5 günde okudu
In fact, something common in the Throne family is that not all of them see and accept what is real in a way. Everyone knows that Mary uses morphine, but nobody does anything for her, everyone knows Edmund is sick but they don’t give enough attention to him or any effort. Everyone knows that Jamie is failing on his carieer, but nobody gives reason to be better. Everyone knows that Mr. Throne is stingy and that his wife needs love, but nobody tells him that he should do more. Everyone blames each other and nobody comes up with solutions, which kills the family's need to "feel family". Nobody feels like home because nobody helps each other. The most important feature of a family concept is to keep the family together, to help and support each other's problems. Like the organs of a body, the purpose is to keep the heart of family alive. But none of these features are found in the Throne family. They are the family which dies due to their past tragedies and does not try to breathe, and constantly blame on each other. Because actually the tragedy of someone in the family is the tragedy of everyone in the family. If you are a character who does not support to heal this tragedy, then it means you also are dying with your family in that tragedy.
Long Day's Journey into Night
Long Day's Journey into NightEugene O'Neill · 200220 okunma
hücrelerimiz seppuku yapıyormuş da haberimiz yokmuş :D
"When your skin burns and turns red due to sun exposure, it’s because your skin cells are killing themselves to avoid becoming cancerous."
"Kitle iletişimi … Ülkenin tüm şehirlerinde aynı şeyleri aynı anda görmemiz nedeniyle bize ciddi bir tehlike, konformizm tehlikesi sunuyor." "Mass communication ... presents us with a serious danger, the danger of conformism, due to the fact that we all view the same things at the same time in all the cities of the country."
Then he cried: "Lo now, Allfather, is not the swathe well shorn? Wouldst thou have me toil for ever, nor win the wages due?"
Sayfa 138Kitabı okudu
Non è per tutti andare avanti Con il cuore che è diviso in due metà İlerlemek herkesin harcı değil İkiye bölünmüş kalple -Maneskin/Caroline
“You apologized twice.” “So?” “You’ve never apologized before. Not to anyone.” “I did to your mother once, and I’m doing it again to my son. My family members are the only ones I’ll apologize to when an apology is due.”
50 syf.
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1 saatte okudu
İngilizce bir hikaye kitabı: The Face On The Screen and The Other Stories Çeşitli hikayelerden oluşan ve Longman'in imzasını taşıyan, yalın dile sahip bu hikayeleri okumaktan zevk aldım. Normalde, İngilizce'yi geliştirmek için yazılan kitaplarda üsluba ve olumsuz içeriklere dikkat edilir ama bu kitapta öyle bir durum yoktu. Hikayeleri genel
The Face On The Screen
The Face On The ScreenPaul Victor · Longman · 19891 okunma
602 öğeden 16 ile 30 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.