“‘From the desperation of golden crowns and born of mortal flesh, a great primal power rises as the heir to the lands and seas, to the skies and all the realms. A shadow in the ember, a light in the flame, to become a fire in the flesh. When the stars fall from the night, the great mountains crumble into the seas, and old bones raise their swords beside the gods, the false one will be stripped from glory until two born of the same misdeeds, born of the same great and Primal power in the mortal realm. A first daughter, with blood full of fire, fated for the once-promised King. And the second daughter, with blood full of ash and ice, the other half of the future King. Together, they will remake the realms as they usher in the end.’” She paused, looking up with eyes as bright as polished sapphires. “‘And so it will begin with the last Chosen blood spilled, the great conspirator birthed from the flesh and fire of the Primals will awaken as the Harbinger and the Bringer of Death and Destruction to the lands gifted by the gods. Beware, for the end will come from the west to destroy the east and lay waste to all which lies between.’” She exhaled unsteadily. “That’s…that’s it.”
Off ne oluyo neeeKitabı okudu
And then he pulls her to him. A lover’s embrace. He is smoke and skin, air and bone, and when his mouth presses against hers, the first thing she tastes is the turning of the seasons, the moment when dusk gives way to night. And then his kiss deepens. His teeth skim her bottom lip, and there is pain in the pleasure, followed by the copper taste of blood on her tongue. “Done,” whispers the god against her lips. And then the world goes black, and she is falling.
Part 1 - Chapter IXKitabı okudu
First, a little lie; then, several little lies to prop it up. After that, distorted thinking to avoid the shame that those lies produce, then a few more lies to cover up the consequences of the distorted thinking. Then, most terribly, the transformation of those now necessary lies through practice into automatized, specialized, structural,
Sayfa 229 - Rule 8Kitabı okudu
"He came up to the window in the mist, as I had seen him often before, but he was solid then, not a ghost, and his eyes were fierce like a man's when angry. He was laughing with his red mouth, the sharp white teeth glinted in the moonlight when he turned to look back over the belt of trees, to where the dogs were barking. I wouldn't
He’s sheathed in golden armor and mounted on a white steed. At his back is a bow and quiver. His blond hair is pressed down by a crown of gold, and his face—his face is angelic, proud. He’s almost too much to look at. Too breathtaking, too noble, too ominous. I hadn’t expected that. I hadn’t expected to forget myself or my deadly task. I hadn’t expected to feel … moved by him. Not with all this fear and hate churning in my stomach. But I am utterly overwhelmed by him, the first horseman of the apocalypse. Pestilence the Conqueror.
Psychological processes depend on glucose, in part because neurotransmitters are made from glucose, and brain activity depends on neurotransmitters. Self-control uses glucose. A series of studies by Gailliot et al. (2007) supported three broad conclusions. First, levels of glucose in the bloodstream are reduced by acts of self-control. Second, low levels of blood glucose predict poor performance on tests of self-control while high levels predict better performance. Third, the behavioral effects of ego depletion can be counteracted by giving people a dose of glucose, such as a glass of lemonade — as long as it has been sweetened with sugar rather than diet sweeteners ( Gailliot et al., 2007 ). Lemonade with sugar (and not with Splenda) has also been shown to counteract the effects of ego depletion on irrational choice and decision bias ( Masicampo &Baumeister, 2008 ; McMahon & Scheel, 2010 ). It is somewhat remarkable to think that rational thought — one of the defining and most exalted powers of the human mind — can depend on the recipe of a soft drink.
Sayfa 241 - işte bu yüzden bir psikolog metafizik bilmeli, meta-etik, mantık bilmeli. buradaki basit ve iş gördüğü zannedilen indirgemecilik korkunç.Kitabı okudu
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