Ne Okusam?
Giriş Yap
The hope that had made the deprivations of the war bearable, explained the journalist Sebastian Haffner (who experienced the events in Berlin at first hand), was the constant reassurance that Germany was about to win. The shocking revelation that Germany had lost was scarcely understandable. Haffner, who was eleven on the day the Armistice took effect, entered a deep depression. “Where could one find stability and security, faith and confidence, if world events could be so deceptive? If triumph upon triumph led to ultimate disaster, and the true rules of history were revealed only retrospectively in a shattering outcome? I stared into the abyss.” He wasn’t the only one. Adolf Hitler recounted a similar bewilderment at the news, but a more dramatic outcome, as he buried his “burning head in the sheets and pillows."
Sayfa 59 - pdfKitabı okuyor
“Marie Antoinette didn’t actually say ‘Let them eat cake’ about the starving peasants,” Harvard said conscientiously. “That was just something people said to feel okay about cutting off her head. You can’t trust surface reports of history.”... “Can’t trust much in this life,” drawled Aiden.
Sayfa 84 - Harvard+AidenKitabı okuyor
Bu efsaneye ait bazı satırlar şöyle: "Nippur'un güzel kızı Tanrıça Ninlil annesinin önerisi üzerine kendisini Tanrı Enlil'e göstermek üzere suya giriyor. Saf suda kız yıkandı. Ninlil, Nunbirdu kanalının kenarında yürüdü. Büyük dağ baba Enlil gördü onu. Bey kıza 'gel yatalım' dedi, kız istemedi. 'Benim dölyolum çok ufak birleşmeyi bilemez, Dudaklarım çok küçük öpmeyi bilemez." Bunun üzerine Enlil, vezirine bir tekne getirtir. Kızla teknede gezerken ona tecavüz eder. Bu olaya kızan Tanrılar meclisi Enlil'i yakalayarak şöyle derler: "Enlil ahlaksızın biri, defol şehirden." Böylece Enlil yeraltı dünyasına gönderilir. Ninlil de arkasından gider. O arada Ay Tanrısına gebe kalır. Birçok olaydan sonra ancak yeryüzüne çıkarlar." Samuel Noah Kramer, Tarih Sumer'de Başlar (History Being at Sumer), çev. Muazzez İlmiye Çığ, TTK Yayınları, Ankara, 1990, s.70-72
The winter of 1916–17 was one of the worst in European history, and it wrecked the harvests. The impact was less severe for Britain and its allies because they were able to import food. But the hunger struck Germans with full force while the British blockaded their ports. It had been Britain’s strategy for centuries, as they didn’t need a large land army when they controlled the seas. Densely populated European countries could not produce enough calories at home, so they needed to import grain from abroad. That’s what made the British blockade so deadly effective. Their immense navy always won the hunger games against foreign armies because soldiers needed to eat.
Sayfa 39 - pdfKitabı okuyor
It is clear that the history of mankind as far as our knowledge goes, is a history of the transition from nomadic forms to more sedentary ones.
No matter what he does , every person on earth plays a central role in the history of the world. And normally he doesn't know it.
"You loved knowledge and wherever you went you made sure to build a school, a library ( in both of these places you distorted or erased my history and glorified your own).
İnsanlar hissizleşmişti. Ne ölüm korkusu vardı ne de gözlerinde bir yaşam ifadesi... Öylece yaşayıp gidiyorlardı işte...
Profane sighed. The eyes of New York women do not see the wandering bums or  the boys with no place to go. Material wealth and getting laid strolled  arm-in-arm the midway of Profane's mind. If he'd been the type who evolves  theories of history for his own amusement, he might have said all political  events: wars, governments and uprisings, have the desire to get laid as  their roots; because history unfolds according to economic forces and the  only reason anybody wants to get rich is so he can get laid steadily, with  whomever he chooses. All he believed at this point, on the bench behind the  Library, was that anybody who worked for inanimate money so he could buy  more inanimate objects was out of his head. Inanimate money was to get  animate warmth, dead fingernails in the living shoulderblades, quick cries  against the pillow, tangled hair, lidded eyes, twisting loins . . .
Kommunizm razılaşması
..."Biz özümüzü işləyirmiş kimi aparırıq, onlar da özlərini bizə əməkhaqqı ödəyirmiş kimi göstərirlər"...
Rule 175: Life has officially taught me that anyone can switch up. No matter the history or bond.
"No matter how well you do on your exams, we will not accept you." When I asked why, Shtrakhov said nothing. I had to answer the ques-tion myself: "I understand why you don't want to admit me to the school of history; it's because I'm a Crimean Tatar?"
"Even more terrible, as we grow older, to learn that no person, no matter how belowed, can ever truly understand us."
The sieve and the sand
"Those wo don't build must burn. It's as old as history and juvenile delinquents."
Sayfa 116 - FaberKitabı okuyor
Red, White and Royal Blue Pl'si
Henry'yi tasvir ederken LONDON BOY diye çıldırmadıysam yok olmayı diliyorum, ve de history mi? Sanırım directioner ve swiftie kalbim patladı. Gerçi history'ye de şaşmamak lazım: “ history, huh? bet we could make some. ” history (oned) : open.spotify.com/track/0HMjXBAZm... london boy (taylor swift) : open.spotify.com/track/1LLXZFeAH...
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