Ne Okusam?
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Seeing small pieces of a larger jigsaw puzzle in isolation, no matter how hi-def the picture, is insufficient to grapple with humanity's great- est challenges. We have long known the laws of thermodynamics, but struggle to predict the spread of a forest fire. We know how cells work, but can't predict the poetry that will be written by a human made up of them. The frog's-eye view of individual parts is not enough. A healthy ecosystem needs biodiversity. Even now, even in endeavors that engender specialization unprece- dented in history, there are beacons of breadth. Individuals who live by historian Arnold Toynbee's words that "no tool is omnicompetent. There is no such thing as a master-key that will unlock all doors." Rather than wielding a single tool, they have managed to collect and protect an entire toolshed, and they show the power of range in a hyper- specialized world.
Let’s try a little thought experiment. Imagine you’re playing shogi, and all of a sudden, your opponent starts moving pieces around however he wants with no rhyme or reason. And then, without even capturing your king, he looks at you as if to say, How’s that? I won. …How did you react? Could it be that you wanted to punch him in the face? But can you think of a game where everyone plays that way? That’s right—that’s reality. —Games and real life are different? No shit. We have a few words for the people who smugly state the obvious: Don’t even try to compare them, n00b.
After a lifetime of looking at cracked ceilings and peeling paint while pieces of her were ripped from her, he had given her a ceiling of beautiful stars and slowly put the pieces back together again. He had touched her soul.
After a lifetime of looking at cracked ceilings and peeling paint while pieces of her were ripped from her, he had given her a ceiling of beautiful stars and slowly put the pieces back together again. He had touched her soul.
Sayfa 181Kitabı okudu
A broken heart is all that's left I'm still fixing all the cracks Lost a couple of pieces when I carried it, carried it, carried it home
“tried to bury us. They didn’t know we were seeds. —Mexican Proverb”
The thing between them grew, feeling the sun and the water, feeling the nurture and the affection. They began to feel more like magnets than puzzle pieces, finding their way to each other, close but not close enough, as the tension between them built and built and built.
Sayfa 113Kitabı okudu
I'm living here in pieces. You're also living somewhere in pieces… Burada parçalar halinde yaşıyorum. Sen de bir yerlerde parçalar halinde yaşıyorsun
They began to feel more like magnets than puzzle pieces, finding their way to each other, close but not close enough, as the tension between them built and built and built. She became his person. She became his.
Amara, 15 years
But in that moment, she was just a girl and he was just a boy, and somehow, their broken pieces matched.
Cell culture
Tissue culture began in 1907 with an experiment designed to settle a controversy in neurobiology. The hypothesis under examination was known as the neuronal doctrine, which states that each nerve fiber is the outgrowth of a single nerve cell and not the product of the fusion of many cells. To test this contention, small pieces of spinal cord were placed on clotted tissue fluid in a warm, moist chamber and observed at regular intervals under the microscope. After a day or so, individual nerve cells could be seen extending long, thin filaments (axons) into the clot. Thus, the neuronal doctrine received strong support, and the foundation was laid for the cell-culture revolution.
Sayfa 441
I gulped, as the mere sensation of a touch around my throat was replaced with his actual hand; not squeezing, just holding. He gripped close beneath my jaw so I couldn’t lower my head, so I couldn’t avoid his eyes. “Go on,” he whispered. “Tell me your sins, wicked girl. Tell me what you think about when you’re alone, and your mind wanders. Tell me what makes touching yourself irresistible.” I wasn’t ashamed of my desires — or at least I tried not to be, which wasn’t the easiest thing in the world when kinky sadomasochistic interests still resided firmly in the realm of taboo. It wasn’t as if I thought a demon was going to judge me; I knew he’d embrace whatever I told him. That was the scary part. Trusting him with those intimate pieces of me that I knew he’d be eager to indulge.
Rae-Leon.Kitabı okudu
"Ursus looked puzzled. 'They were only slaves bought for the purpose. Men are bought to be slaughtered in the arena. Surely becoming beauty is a better death than being hacked to pieces in a gladiatorial show?' Rose opened and closed her mouth a few times, each argument failing on her tounge. Funny how places on Earth could sometimes be more alien to her than other planets."
Sayfa 143Kitabı okudu
" Power is in tearing human mind to pieces and putting it together again in new shapes of your own choosing.." "Güç, insan zihnini parçalara ayırmak ve onu kendi seçtiğiniz yeni şekillerde tekrar bir araya getirmektir.."
That's unforgivable. Without decency, you fall to pieces, lose your humanity and your soul. Bu affedilemez. Edep olmadan paramparça olursunuz, insanlığınızı ve ruhunuzu kaybedersiniz.
Sayfa 248 - MayaKitabı okudu
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