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“You're whipped.” “Fuck off, asshole.” “I’m happy for you, you little shit. For both of you.” Tristan stayed silent for a beat. “You and Amara doing okay?’ “What, you’re giving me relationship advice now?” “Communication and shit are important in relationships.” Dante looked at him in surprise. “Who are you and what have you done with Tristan?”
"Spero non ci vorrà così tanto." I smiled at his shock. "I speak six languages, Dante. Italian is one of them." His surprise dissolved into a laugh. "You're full of surprises." He kissed me again, his face softening. "Ti amo." I love you. Maybe it was my closure with my family. Maybe it was the thrill of finally taking control of my life. Whatever it was, it'd demolished the walls in my chest, and my reply finally made its way out in a whisper. "I love you too."
# surprise
Genleriniz sizin için uygun birini bulduğuna inandığında ( örneğin ilginc ve guzel bir kadın )bilinçaltınızın neler yaptığı konusunda şaşıracaksınız.
528 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
4 günde okudu
Irak Savaş gazisi ve keskin nişancı olan Billy Summers, savaştan sonra hayatına kiralık katil olarak devam eder. Ama sadece gerçekten "kötü" olan adamları hedef alır. Emeklilik kararı vermeyi düşünürken önüne reddedemeyeceği bir teklif gelir. Ve Billy bu son büyük işi yapıp öyle emekliye ayrılmaya karar verir. Ama onu beklemedeği maceralar beklemektedir... Klasik King tarzından farklı bir roman. İçinde doğaüstü olaylar yok. Lee Child'in Jack Reacher kitaplarına benzettim biraz. Güzel bir maceraydı. Billy'in küçükken yaşadığı acı hayatını da okuyoruz. King daha çok bu tarz kitaplar yazmalı bence. If you go down in the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise If you go down in the woods today, you'd better go in disguise....
Billy Summers
Billy SummersStephen King · Altın Kitaplar · 2022550 okunma
The world can surprise us, sure, but we can surprise ourselves too.
Penguin LifeKitabı okudu
Another novel emotion I’ve never witnessed on his face lurks beneath the surface. Something like… relief. Surprise? “You came.” It’s a bewildered statement at best.
Indifference of Nature
As he gazed around him, the youth felt a flash of surprise at the blue, pure sky and the sun shining on the trees and fields. It was won­derful that Nature had gone quietly ahead with her golden process in the middle of so much devilment.
I wake up early, but I hang out in bed longer than usual. Since the surprise party yesterday, I’ve been bombarded with images of my past. And those memories have a bitter taste that yesterday’s cake can’t mask.
I saw you dancing in a crowded room You look so happy when I'm not with you But then you saw me, caught you by surprise A single tear drop falling from your eyes I don't know why, I run away I make you cry when, I run away
As soon as something is written, it loses the power of surprise, just as a virus loses its advantage when a weakened virus has created alerted antibodies. So I achieved some immunity from further perilous ventures along these lines by writing my experience down.
“Our instinct may be to see the impossibility of tracking everything down as frustrating, dispiriting, perhaps even appalling, but it can just as well be viewed as almost unbearably exciting. We live on a planet that has a more or less infinite capacity to surprise. What reasoning person could possibly want it any other way?”
“I have reproduced different concepts in ‘The Empire of Lights’, namely in nocturnal landscape and a sky as we see it during the daytime. The landscape leads us to think of night, the sky of day. In my opinion, this simultaneity of day and night has the power to surprise, and to charm. This power I call poetry.”
Sayfa 7
“When the poet Paul Valery once asked Albert Einstein if he kept a notebook to record his ideas, Einstein looked at him with mild but genuine surprise. "Oh, that's not necessary," he replied . "It's so seldom I have one.”
"Cool. Okay. First of all, open your eyes. Juliette is going to walk out in a couple of minutes, and you won't want to miss it. Her dress is awesome." He whispers this, his voice altered just enough that I can tell he's trying not to move his lips. "I'm not supposed to tell you anything about it, because, you know, it's supposed to be a surprise, but whatever, we're throwing surprises out the window right now because this is an emergency, and I have a feeling that once you see her your brain will do that creepy super-focus thing it always does-you know, like when you ignore literally everyone around you— and then you'll start feeling better because, um, yeah—“ The sound of his voice is a strange lifeline.
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