Ne Okusam?
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You see me, Father? I am a desert creature.
The hawks circled overhead screeching their frustration. They knew what was happening. Any desert creature would know. And I am a desert creature, Kynes thought. You see me, Father? I am a desert creature. He felt the bubble lift him, felt it break and the dust whirlpool engulf him, dragging him down into cool darkness. For a moment, the sensation of coolness and the moisture were blessed relief. Then, as his planet killed him, it occurred to Kynes that his father and all the other scientists were wrong, that the most persistent principles of the universe were accident and error. Even the hawks could appreciate these facts.
Whether you call it physics or spirituality, both of them are seeking the same thing: the basis of existence. One is trying to explore the outside universe and understand it. Another is trying to explore interiority and experience it.
Science today tells us that the universe is endless. Yogic culture talked of an ever-expanding universe millennia ago. It talks of the whole of existence as an eternal and ongoing dance between Shiva and Shakti. The non-physical dimension is Shi-va. The physical dimension of energy that animates the universe is Shakti. Shi-va is ‘that which is not’ and Shakti is ‘that which is’. They are two aspects of the same reality.
Universe: uni-verso, yani ‘versus unum’ Latince ‘Bir’e doğru’ anlamındaydı.
Postmodernism is an intellectual dead end; it’s central premise seems to be derived from a saying of Nietzsche’s, “There are no facts; only interpretations”, which is thought to mean that each one of us views “reality” through our individual perspective. This is true to a degree, but as with so many aphorisms, there are limits to its validity;
“I believe in a personal god who cares about me and worries and oversees everything I do. I believe in an impersonal god who set the universe in motion and went off to hang with her girlfriends and doesn't even know that I'm alive. I believe in an empty and godless universe of causal chaos, background noise, and sheer blind luck... I believe that life is a game, that life is a cruel joke, and that life is what happens when you're alive and that you might as well lie back and enjoy it.”
She was the sun in the endless dark abyss of the universe, a ball of fire so bright she made everything revolve around herself without even trying, and anything that didn’t was lost to float away and die. And he? He was the endless, dark abyss they died in, the one that surrounded her, the one that let her blaze.
She was the sun in the endless dark abyss of the universe, a ball of fire so bright she made everything revolve around herself without even trying, and anything that didn’t was lost to float away and die. And he? He was the endless, dark abyss they died in, the one that surrounded her, the one that let her blaze.
Sayfa 196Kitabı okudu
Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.
"No matter what stupid things humans did, the universe continued."
Just want to live Miyazaki's universe, quizás quizás quizás...
3 Body Problem
Evrende, bizdeki üç boyuttan fazlası var... Hepsi gizli, o kadar ufak katlanmışlar ki göremiyoruz...
Dün­ya' dayken insanlar, başka bir kıtaya çıkıp hiç düşünmeden oradaki medeniyetleri savaş ve hastalık yoluyla mahvede­ biliyor. Ama kafalarını kaldırıp yıldızlara baktıklarında, duygusallaşıyor, dünya dışı bir zeka var ise, farklı yaşam formlarına sevgi gösterip onlara değer vermek evrensel bir yasaymış gibi, bu medeniyetlerin evrensel, yüce, etik kural­lara sahip olduklarına inanmaya başlıyorlar...
Sayfa 415 - Cixin LiuKitabı okudu
And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” "Ve bir şeyi istediğinde, tüm evren onu başarmana yardım etmek için işbirliği yapar."
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