Ne Okusam?
Giriş Yap
İnsanların yap­tığı ve söylediği şeyler özellikle sevimsizse, kişisel olarak alma eği­liminden sıyrılmaya çalışmalısınız. Sizi eleştirmeleri ya da sizin çıkarlarınıza karşı davranışları çoğunlukla yeniden yaşadıkları çok derindeki acılarından kaynaklanır; yıllar içinde biriktirdikle­ri hayal kırıklıklarının ve kırgınlıkların hedefi oluverirsiniz. Eğer insanlara bu açıdan bakarsanız, tepki vermemenin, sinirlenme­menin, önemsiz bir çatışmaya katılmamanın daha kolay olduğu­nu görürsünüz. Eğer karşınızdaki kişi gerçekten kötü niyetliyse, duygusallaşmayarak en uygun karşı hamleyi planlamak için doğru bir konumda olursunuz. Böylece kendinizi acılar ve kötü duygular biriktirmekten korumuş olursunuz. If what people do and say is particularly unpleasant, you should try to avoid the tendency to take it personally. Their criticism of you or their behaviour against your interests often comes from deep-seated hurts that they are reliving; you become the target of disappointments and resentments that they have accumulated over the years. If you look at people from this point of view, you will find it easier not to react, not to get angry, not to get involved in a petty conflict. If the other person is really malicious, by not getting emotional you are in a good position to plan the most appropriate counter-attack. In this way you protect yourself from accumulating bitterness and bad feelings.
Sayfa 279 - Altın Kitaplar Yayınevi 1. BasımKitabı okuyor
Binlerce yıl yaşayacakmışsın gibi davranma. Kaderin üzerinde asılı duruyor. Hala yaşıyorken, yaşayabiliyorken iyi biri ol. Don't act like you're going to live for thousands of years. Your fate hangs over you. While you're still alive, while you can, be a good person.
“The Parable of the Cow”
Two cows were discussing the latest nutritional research, which had been done on lions. One cow says to the other, “Did you hear that we’ve been wrong these last 200 years? The latest research shows that eating grass is bad for you and eating meat is good.” So the two cows began eating meat. Shortly afterward, they got sick and they died. One year later, two lions were discussing the latest nutritional research, which was done on cows. One lion said to the other that the latest research showed that eating meat kills you and eating grass is good. So, the two lions started eating grass, and they died.
thoughts of Kyle Hunter about his wife, Rai Sokolov
It's been over twenty-seven years since I met her, but she still looks as breathtaking as when I first laid eyes on her. Elegant, majestic, and brutally demanding of my attention. This woman hasn't only changed my perspective about life from feeling unwanted to accomplished, but she's also been by my side through everything. The good, the bad, and the disgustingly ugly. We don't only love each other, we literally complete one another in ways I find hard to describe.
“We take our lives way too seriously…in a few hundred years, most people will be completely forgotten about. That’s not depressing, that is liberating. Do what you can and make it hella good. Give love and do what you most genuinely want to. It won’t matter anyway, so make it matter now.”
“More important: James is Aaron’s little brother. And if anyone knows what it’s like to be ten years old and tortured by Anderson, it’s Aaron. How could you think leaving him out of this conversation was a good idea? How could you imagine he wouldn’t be the first to care? He’s devastated.”
Misssteps are all around us
We should feel sympathy for ourselves. The challenges of finding love are highly complex, seldom systematically explored, and relatively new. We have been looking for love the way we do now for, at best, only 260 years. We are still at the dawn of determining how to get into good relationships. Signs of our missteps are all around us.
Oh, tell me,who was it first announced, who was it first proclaimed, that man only does nasty things because he does not know his own interests; and that if he were enlightened, if his eyes were opened to his real normal interests, man would at once cease to do nasty things, would at once become good and noble because, being enlightened and understanding his real advantage, he would see his own advantage in the good and nothing else, and we all know that not one man can, consciously, act against his own interests, consequently, so to say, through necessity, he would begin doing good? Oh, the babe! Oh, the pure, innocent child! Why, in the first place,when in all these thousands of years has there been a time when man has acted only from his own interest? What is to be done with the millions of facts that bear witness that men, CONSCIOUSLY, that is fully understanding their real interests, have left them in the background and have rushed headlong on another path, to meet peril and danger, compelled to this course by nobody and by nothing, but, as it were, simply disliking the beaten track, and have obstinately, wilfully, struck out another difficult,absurd way, seeking it almost in the darkness.
My 6 years old daughter asked me a question, "Why do we speak of the good Lord(God)?" Whereupon I said, "Some weeks ago, you were suffering from measles, and then the good Lord sent you full recovery." "Well, but please,Daddy, not forget: in the first place, he had sent me the measles."
In all honesty, I’d had a harmless crush on my boss for years now. I didn’t give myself a hard time about it. There was no way to remain unaffected by Dane Davenport. “Good-looking” was too tame a term for him. Tall, dark, and supremely male, he exuded a raw sex appeal that could shake any girl’s equilibrium. It wasn’t just his appearance that made him so lethally seductive. It was the entire package—his powerful personality, innate aura of authority, unshakable self-assuredness, and the untamed air about him that spoke of danger.
Something about the almost desperate human need to find good in the least likely places. Something about the desire not to beautify reality but to persist in searching for an angle that would put ugliness in a better light and create affection and empathy for every wart and wrinkle on its scarred face
I’d spent a little time regretting all of the years we could have been together, if I had just been brave enough to come back sooner, or if he had just been bold enough to contact me, but I felt at peace even with that, as I looked with clarity at the good years ahead of us.
I think that I’ve managed to struggle by in employment for so long because I became so good at faking it. In fact, over the past few years this has caused me a lot of anguish because it had got to the stage where even I no longer knew who was behind the mask and I began to fear I was going mad because I just didn’t seem to know who I was anymore. WOMAN WITH AUTISM
The world was a good place to buy in. It seemed like a fine philosophy. In five years, I thought, it will seem just as silly as all the other fine philosophies I’ve had.
And I realize now, more than ever, that I have lost all my best years! And now I know it and feel it more painfully from recognizing that God has sent me you, my good angel, to tell me that and show it. Now that I sit beside you and talk to you it is strange for me to think of the future, for in the future—there is loneliness again, again this musty, useless life; and what shall I have to dream of when I have been so happy in reality beside you! En güzel yıllarını heba etmişim! Artık bunun farkındayım ve fark etmiş olmaktan acı duyuyorum, çünkü siz bana Tanrı yolladı iyilik meleğim benim, bana bunları kanıtlamak için yolladı. Şimdi yanınızda oturmuş sizinle konuşurken geleceğe korkuyla bakıyorum, çünkü gelecekte yine yalnızlık, yine o yavan, o gereksiz yaşam var; artık gerçekten de yanınızda oturup bu mutluluğu tattıktan sonra artık neyin hayalini kurayım!
Saga EgmontKitabı okudu
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